People write letters to thank the police for helping to find their relatives


Quang Binh - The family of Ms. Lo Thi T wrote a letter of thanks to the police force for helping to find their relative.

On October 4, Quang Binh Provincial Police said that people had just sent letters of thanks to the police force for helping to find their relatives.

Previously, on the afternoon of October 3, people discovered a strange woman in Bac Son village 2 (Thanh Hoa commune, Tuyen Hoa district) with abnormal psychological symptoms and reported it to the authorities.

The commune police received the information and verified that it was Ms. Lo Thi T, residing in Nghia Thai commune (Tan Ky district, Nghe An province).

Thanh Hoa Commune Police discussed with Nghia Thai Commune Police to contact the family to bring Ms. T home.

Cong an xa Thanh Hoa ban giao chi Tham (ao phong co xanh) cho gia dinh. Anh: Cong an Quang Binh
Thanh Hoa Commune Police handed over Ms. T (blue collar T-shirt) to her family. Photo: Quang Binh Police

Upon receiving the information, Ms. T's family arrived at Thanh Hoa Commune Police Station and took her home at 2:00 a.m. on October 4.

Talking to her family, Ms. T has been mentally unstable for more than a year and has left home since September 29, 2024.

At the time of handing over Ms. T to her family, Ms. Lo Thi Xuan, representing the family, wrote a letter to the leaders of Quang Binh Provincial Police and Tuyen Hoa District Police to thank the officers and soldiers of Thanh Hoa Commune Police for helping and supporting her family in finding her relative.

In the letter, Ms. Lo Thi Xuan wrote: “Thanks to the care of the Commune Police, my relatives are very healthy. On behalf of my family, I would like to once again thank the leaders of Quang Binh Provincial Police and all officers and soldiers. I would like to wish the leaders and all soldiers and comrades good health to successfully complete the assigned tasks.”


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