Huge scrap yard on project land along Thang Long Avenue


Factories and huge scrap yards located on agricultural land (along Thang Long Avenue ) cause environmental pollution.

On August 26, according to Lao Dong's records, agricultural land and project planning land along Thang Long Avenue (Me Tri ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi) were used for wrong purposes, causing waste. resources and affect the environment.
On August 26, according to Lao Dong's records, agricultural land and project planning land along Thang Long Avenue (Me Tri ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi) were used for wrong purposes, causing waste. resources and affect the environment.
This land is located on the Thang Long Avenue frontage road, from the intersection of Le Quang Dao street to the Big C underground tunnel, but is completely covered with corrugated iron. Looking from the outside, no one knows that inside the yard there are huge collection points for waste and scrap metal.
This land is located on the Thang Long Avenue frontage road, from the intersection of Le Quang Dao street to the Big C underground tunnel, but is completely covered with corrugated iron. Looking from the outside, no one knows that inside the yard there are huge collection points for waste and scrap metal.
People living around this area said that every day there will be convoys of trucks and containers entering thousands of square meters of land to transport waste and scrap metal.
People living around this area said that every day there will be convoys of trucks and containers entering thousands of square meters of land to transport waste and scrap metal.
“The route passing through this area is always dusty because of crowded container trucks. The situation has been going on for many years but I don't understand why the local government still allows it to exist," Mr. Duong Quoc Quan (residing in Me Tri ward) wondered.
“The route passing through this area is always dusty because of crowded container trucks. The situation has been going on for a long time but I don't understand why the local government still allows it to exist," Mr. Duong Quoc Quan (residing in Me Tri ward) wondered.
In addition to waste dumps, the land also gathers vehicles including trucks, cranes and passenger cars... that regularly go in and out of the dump.
In addition to waste dumps, the land also gathers vehicles including trucks, cranes and passenger cars... that regularly go in and out of the dump.
Scrap gathering activities take place on a large scale, with potential risks affecting the environment.
Scrap gathering activities take place on a large scale, with potential risks affecting the environment.
Viewed from above, the gathering yard is located close to the edge of people's vegetable fields. Everywhere in this yard is full of all kinds of scrap metal.
Everywhere in this yard is full of all kinds of scrap metal.
According to the reporter's research, this land is part of the planning to build new offices of 18 ministries, departments and branches in the planning project to build a system of offices of ministries and ministerial-level agencies. agency under the Government, central agency of unions in Hanoi until 2030 (approved in April 2023).
According to the reporter's research, this land is part of the planning to build new offices of 18 ministries, departments and branches in the planning project to build a system of offices of ministries and ministerial-level agencies. agency under the Government, central agency of unions in Hanoi until 2030 (approved in April 2023).
Regarding this issue, the People's Committee of Me Tri ward said that it has sent troops to handle it many times, but due to many problems, it has not yet been completely implemented.
Regarding this issue, the People's Committee of Me Tri ward said that it has sent troops to handle it many times, but due to many problems, it has not yet been completely implemented. Me Tri Ward has proposed to Nam Tu Liem District two plans to handle land law violations in the above area.
In case of Option 1, in cases of violation with complete records and identification, the ward will request the District People's Committee to issue a decision to overcome the consequences.
In case of Option 1, in cases of violation with complete records and identification, the ward will request the District People's Committee to issue a decision to overcome the consequences.
With option 2, the ward requires all households that are landowners in areas that are violating land laws to terminate their land lease contracts. If anyone fails to do so, when the State recovers, they will not be compensated, or will be asked not to extend land allocation; It may even be possible to propose that the county revoke the land use permit.
With option 2, the ward requires all households that are landowners in areas that are violating land laws to terminate their land lease contracts. If anyone fails to do so, when the State recovers, they will not be compensated, or will be asked not to extend land allocation; It may even be possible to propose that the county revoke the land use permit.


Thoát cảnh khổ sở trên đường gom Đại lộ Thăng Long, Hà Nội


Ban Quản lý dự án Phát triển điện lực Hà Nội đã yêu cầu nhà thầu tháo dỡ hàng rào gây ùn tắc trên đường gom Đại lộ Thăng Long.

Ùn ứ giao thông sau vụ cháy cơ sở phế liệu sát Quốc lộ 13


Bình Dương - Sau vụ cháy cơ sở phế liệu sát nhà dân bên cạnh Quốc lộ 13, giao thông bị ùn ứ nhiều ngả đường.

Xử phạt chủ xe tải chở hàng phế liệu cao ngất ngưởng, vượt đèn đỏ ở Hà Nội

Tô Thế |

Chiếc xe tải chở theo hàng hóa là nhựa phế liệu vượt đèn đỏ ở Hà Nội. Đáng chú ý, chiều cao hàng hóa gần chạm nóc hầm chui qua nút giao Nguyễn Trãi (quận Thanh Xuân).

Vinafco lãi 2,8 tỉ, chưa bồi thường vụ rơi pin xuống biển

Lục Giang |

Vinafco đang phối hợp cùng các chủ hàng, công ty bảo hiểm và các cơ quan chức năng giải quyết sự cố vụ 37 container rơi xuống biển, trong đó có hơn 10 tấn pin.

Người dân Đà Nẵng căng mình tát nước tràn vào nhà do mưa lớn


Tại phường Thanh Khê Tây, quận Thanh Khê, TP Đà Nẵng, hàng chục hộ dân vẫn phải căng mình tát nước tràn vào nhà.

Truy tố ông Lê Đức Thọ hai tội danh ở vụ Xuyên Việt Oil

Việt Dũng |

Cơ quan công tố xác định, khi làm sếp ngân hàng, ông Lê Đức Thọ đã nhận hối lộ và khi làm Bí thư tỉnh Bến Tre có hành vi lợi dụng chức vụ để trục lợi.

Chìm tàu hàng, 8 thuyền viên đang trôi trên bè cứu sinh

Hoàng Bin |

Một tàu hàng bị chìm trên vùng biển Quảng Nam. Lực lượng chức năng đang khẩn trương ứng cứu 8 thuyền viên trôi trên bè cứu sinh.

Giới đầu cơ có thể đứng sau loạt lô đất đấu giá bỏ cọc


Giới chuyên gia cho rằng, người tham gia đấu giá đất chủ yếu là nhóm nhà đầu tư chuyên nghiệp, rất ít người địa phương tham gia.

Escape from misery on Thang Long Avenue, Hanoi


The Hanoi Electricity Development Project Management Board has asked the contractor to remove the fence causing congestion on the Thang Long Avenue frontage road.

Traffic congestion after a fire at a scrap facility near Highway 13


Binh Duong - After a fire at a scrap facility next to people's houses next to National Highway 13, traffic was congested on many roads.

Xử phạt chủ xe tải chở hàng phế liệu cao ngất ngưởng, vượt đèn đỏ ở Hà Nội

Tô Thế |

Chiếc xe tải chở theo hàng hóa là nhựa phế liệu vượt đèn đỏ ở Hà Nội. Đáng chú ý, chiều cao hàng hóa gần chạm nóc hầm chui qua nút giao Nguyễn Trãi (quận Thanh Xuân).