![Theo nhieu nguoi dan, so di Cong vien Hoi An thu hut nhieu nguoi dan, gioi tre den tham quan, chup hinh luu niem trong dip Tet nay la do, cong vien moi duoc cai tao, dau tu nang cap khang trang va rong rai hon nhieu. Anh: Quach Du](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2025/1/24/1454885/GioiTre-Do-Xo-Check--02.jpg)
![Nam thanh nu tu tranh thu check-in, luu lai nhung buc anh Tet. Anh: Quach Du](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2025/1/24/1454885/GioiTre-Do-Xo-Check--10.jpg)
![Cong vien Hoi An duoc xay dung cach day hon 20 nam (nam 2003) voi dien tich khoang 24 ha, nam tren cac phuong Lam Son, Truong Thi. Cong vien co 2 mat tien nam tren hai tuyen pho dep nhat TP Thanh Hoa la: dai lo Le Loi va duong Le Hoan. Day duoc xem la cong vien trung tam dep va lon nhat Thanh Hoa. Anh: Quach Du](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2025/1/24/1454885/GioiTre-Do-Xo-Check--04.jpg)
![Trai qua hon 20 nam, vao giua nam 2024, cong vien nay duoc dau tu xay dung, cai tao, voi so von hon 150 ti dong. Truoc dip Tet Nguyen dan At Ty, viec xay dung hoan thanh va dua vao su dung. Sau khi hoan thanh, noi day tro thanh diem lui toi cua rat dong nguoi dan va du khach. Anh: Quach Du](https://media-cdn-v2.laodong.vn/storage/newsportal/2025/1/24/1454885/Do-Xo-Den-Cong-Vien.jpg)
On the days leading up to the Lunar New Year 2025, Thanh Hoa youth flocked to Hoi An Park to check-in and take Tet photos.
Hanoi - The exhibition "Drawing a Snake" attracts young people to visit because of its unique combination of culture and art, bringing impressive experiences.
With only a few days left until Lunar New Year, young people in Dien Bien are taking advantage of the opportunity to dress up and take photos at flower markets and along the streets.
Healing sports, a unique combination of physical exercise and spiritual nourishment, is becoming a new trend among young people, meeting the need for physical and emotional balance in a fast-paced life.
A Korean tourist waited in line to enjoy the famous Korean Ly Quoc Su statue after reading many articles introducing this address.
On 7.2, Nghe An Provincial Party Executive Committee held a meeting to discuss the plan and scheme to organize the organizational structure in the provincial political system.
Hanoi - People's Committee of La Phu commune (Hoai Duc) said tons of confectionery and food were abandoned to the environment, not hazardous waste and being collected and treated.
According to the latest plan, after arranging, VTV Television will decrease from 27 units to 22 units, ensuring streamlining.
The influenza virus is likely to be infected at an average level, that is, one infected person will spread to one or two others without immunity.
Hanoi - The exhibition "Drawing a Snake" attracts young people to visit because of its unique combination of culture and art, bringing impressive experiences.
With only a few days left until Lunar New Year, young people in Dien Bien are taking advantage of the opportunity to dress up and take photos at flower markets and along the streets.
Phương Anh |
Healing sports, a unique combination of physical exercise and spiritual nourishment, is becoming a new trend among young people, meeting the need for physical and emotional balance in a fast-paced life.