Filling fields and hills to create the largest industrial cluster in Lang Son

Nguyễn Hoàn |

Lang Son - Ho Son 1 Industrial Cluster (Huu Lung) with a total investment of over 814 billion VND is expected to create thousands of jobs and attract investment to the locality.

The project to invest in building technical infrastructure for Ho Son 1 Industrial Cluster (CCN) in Huu Lung district, started in May 2024, has a total investment of over 814 billion VND, with Gia Dinh Mien Bac Industrial Investment Joint Stock Company as the investor.
Ho Son 1 Industrial Park has a scale of more than 73 hectares, located near National Highway 1A, Bac Giang - Lang Son Expressway and not far from major industrial centers of Thai Nguyen and Bac Giang.
Recorded at the end of August 2024, after nearly 3 months of implementation, contractors are focusing on leveling and creating land for the project.
Recorded at the end of August 2024, after nearly 3 months of implementation, contractors are focusing on leveling and creating a surface for the project. Most of the land area of ​​Ho Son 1 Industrial Park is agricultural land and production forest land.
Mr. Nguyen Van Toan - a worker at the project said that the main work at present is excavation and leveling. At the time of the groundbreaking ceremony, it rained heavily and the ground was muddy, making construction difficult.
Mr. Nguyen Van Toan - an excavator operator at the construction site said that the project's excavation volume is very large, however this year the weather has been rainy so construction is difficult.
“The nature of excavation and filling is that when it rains, it is almost impossible to work because the ground is muddy and slippery. When it rains, the progress will be accelerated,” said Mr. Toan.
“The nature of excavation and filling is that when it rains, it is almost impossible to work because the ground is muddy and slippery. When the sun comes out and it dries, the progress will be sped up,” said Mr. Toan.
Soil was filled into the reclaimed and cleared rice fields.
Soil is filled into the reclaimed and cleared fields.
To implement the Ho Son 1 Industrial Park project, nearly 200 households in Cai Kinh and Ho Son communes (Huu Lung district) had their forest land, agricultural land and residential land confiscated and cleared.
To implement the Ho Son 1 Industrial Park project, nearly 200 households in Cai Kinh and Ho Son communes (Huu Lung district) had their forest land, agricultural land and residential land confiscated and cleared.
Production forests will gradually be replaced by factories in the future. When filled, Ho Son Industrial Park will create jobs for over 6,500 workers.
Production forests will gradually be replaced by factories in the future. When filled, Ho Son Industrial Park will create jobs for over 6,500 workers.
The road leading to Ho Son 1 Industrial Cluster Project after more than 3 months of construction has gradually taken shape.
The road leading to Ho Son 1 Industrial Park Project is gradually taking shape.
Ho Son 1 Industrial Park is considered to have a prime location as it is located near large industrial parks such as Dong Bang, VSIP Lang Son, Hop Thanh... forming a new industrial center of Lang Son province. When put into operation, this industrial park is expected to attract over 20 industries and investment fields.
Ho Son 1 Industrial Park is considered to have a prime location as it is located near large industrial parks such as Dong Bang, VSIP Lang Son, Hop Thanh... forming a new industrial center of Lang Son province. When put into operation, this industrial park is expected to attract over 20 industries and investment fields.
Talking to reporters, Ms. Duong Thi Hanh - Vice Chairman of Huu Lung District People's Committee said that Ho Son 1 Industrial Cluster Project is one of the key projects of the locality.
Talking to reporters, Ms. Duong Thi Hanh - Vice Chairman of Huu Lung District People's Committee said that Ho Son 1 Industrial Cluster Project is one of the key projects of the locality.
“When the project was implemented, it received a lot of support from local people. When completed, Ho Son Industrial Park will contribute to promoting the local economy, creating thousands of jobs for workers, thereby improving people's lives,” said the district leader.
“When the project was implemented, it received a lot of support from local people. When completed, Ho Son Industrial Park will contribute to promoting the local economy, creating thousands of jobs for workers, thereby improving people's lives,” said the district leader.
Nguyễn Hoàn

Cụm công nghiệp mong "thoát ế" nhờ cung đường 245 tỉ đồng

Bài và ảnh: Tô Công |

Phú Thọ - Công trình giao thông nối từ Cụm công nghiệp Bắc Lâm Thao qua Quốc lộ 2 đến Cụm công nghiệp Phú Gia sau gần 2 năm thi công nay đã thành hình.

Thu hút đầu tư cụm công nghiệp miền núi Sông Cầu

Bình Quý |

Khánh Hòa - Trong năm nay, Cụm Công nghiệp Sông Cầu thu hút thêm nhiều nhà đầu tư thứ cấp mới, đạt tỷ lệ lấp đầy hơn 80% và mở rộng khoảng 35ha về phía đông.

Cụm công nghiệp tạo ra hàng nghìn việc làm ổn định

Minh Chuyên |

Những cụm công nghiệp ở tỉnh Hòa Bình đã tạo ra hàng nghìn việc làm cho người lao động, qua đó giúp người dân có thu nhập, ổn định và vươn lên thoát nghèo.

Lô đất trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở Hà Nội bỏ cọc


Dù đã hết thời gian nộp tiền nhưng đến nay lô đất có giá trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở huyện Thanh Oai (Hà Nội) vẫn chưa đóng tiền.

Hà Nội tắc đường cả cây số, người dân ì ạch di chuyển

Nhóm PV |

Tối 16.9, nhiều tuyến đường tại Hà Nội tắc cứng do giờ tan tầm và lượng người đổ ra đường đi chơi Trung thu.

Nga dồn ép quân Ukraina khỏi Kursk theo nhiều hướng

Song Minh |

Lực lượng Ukraina ngày càng bị đẩy lùi khỏi nhiều khu định cư ở tỉnh Kursk của Nga.

Cho thôi việc Bí thư huyện Vĩnh Cửu theo nguyện vọng


Ông Nguyễn Văn Thuộc - Bí thư Huyện ủy Vĩnh Cửu được Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Đồng Nai chấp thuận cho thôi việc theo nguyện vọng.

Doanh nghiệp gồng mình hồi phục sau bão số 3

Anh Tuấn |

Sau khi bão số 3 (Yagi) đi qua, nỗ lực phục hồi sản xuất - kinh doanh là công việc được nhiều doanh nghiệp ưu tiên thực hiện.