Historic flash flood leaves tears "flooding" Muong Pon


After nearly a week since the flash flood in Muong Pon commune (Dien Bien province), tears continue to flow every time another body is found…

The devastating flash flood occurred on the night of the 24th, early morning of the 25th of July in Muong Pon border commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province, leaving heartbreaking consequences. Many families have lost their loved ones.
The devastating flash flood occurred on the night of the 24th, early morning of the 25th of July in Muong Pon border commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province, leaving heartbreaking consequences for people and property. Many families have lost their loved ones. In these days, the sounds of mourning and sorrow can be heard throughout the poor commune.
The family of Mr. Lo Van Doi - Muong Pon 1 village, Muong Pon commune, Dien Bien district is one of the typical examples of the painful losses that the people of the border commune are suffering.
The family of Mr. Lo Van Doi - Muong Pon 1 village, Muong Pon commune is one of the coldest, most sorrowful places these days.
The fierce flood took away the son (Lo Van Pieng, 32 years old) and granddaughter (Lo Linh Dan, 5 months old) and all the houses and properties, all were swept away by the water.
The fierce flood took away the son (Lo Van Pieng, 32 years old) and granddaughter (Lo Linh Dan, 5 months old) along with all the houses and properties of the son and daughter-in-law, all were swept away by the water.
The young wife Ca Thi Oanh (20 years old, wife of Pieng), with the pain of losing her husband and child, has completely collapsed.
The young wife Ca Thi Oanh (20 years old, wife of Pieng) has to face the pain of losing her husband, child, and all her property in just one night, and she is now completely collapsed.
Mr. Ca Van Dinh (Oanh's father) could not hide his sorrow when he lost his son-in-law and 5-month-old granddaughter.
Mr. Ca Van Dinh (Oanh's father) could not hide his sorrow when he lost his son-in-law and 5-month-old granddaughter.
After getting married at the beginning of 2023, the young couple tried to open a small eatery to make a living. However, the dream of a bright future was swept away by the flood.
After getting married at the beginning of 2023, the young couple tried to open a small eatery to make a living. However, the dream of a bright future was unexpectedly swept away by the floodwaters in just one fateful night.
Mr. Lo Van Hoi (the victim's cousin) in Muong Pon 2 village, Muong Pon commune could not help but feel sorrowful over the passing of his younger brother: “The devastating flood took away my brother's bright future. Pieng was a kind, hardworking person, always ready to help others. His passing is a huge loss for the family“.
Mr. Lo Van Hoi (the victim's cousin) in Muong Pon 2 village, Muong Pon commune could not help but feel sorrowful over the passing of his younger brother: “The devastating flood took away my brother's bright future. Pieng was a kind, hardworking person, always ready to help others. His passing is a huge loss for the family“.
Earlier on the afternoon of July 28, the authorities of Dien Bien province discovered the body of Mr. Lo Van Pieng in the Long Tao reservoir area, Huoi Mi commune, Muong Cha district, more than 30km from the site of the flash flood.
Earlier, the devastating flash flood occurred on the night of the 24th, early morning of the 25th of July in Muong Pon border commune, causing 7 deaths and missing persons. By the afternoon of the 28th of July, the authorities of Dien Bien province discovered the body of Mr. Lo Van Pieng in the Long Tao reservoir area - more than 30km from the site of the flash flood.
The devastating flash flood occurred on the night of the 24th, early morning of the 25th of July in Muong Pon border commune
Immediately after finding Mr. Pieng's body, the local authorities and villagers gathered to support and help the family hold a funeral for him; at the same time, they also held a funeral for his unfortunate 5-month-old daughter - who has not been found yet.
The family held a funeral for Mr. Pieng and his daughter according to the traditional customs of the Thai ethnic group. Currently, disaster recovery and search and rescue efforts are being actively carried out over a wide area.
The family held a funeral for Mr. Lo Van Pieng and his daughter according to the traditional customs of the Thai ethnic group.
Besides the 2 deaths discovered immediately after the flash flood, there are still 3 out of 5 missing persons after the flood who have not been found. Despite the continuous heavy rain, search and rescue efforts are being actively carried out over a wide area.
Besides the 2 deaths discovered immediately after the flash flood, there are still 3 out of 5 missing persons after the flood who have not been found. Despite the continuous heavy rain, search and rescue efforts are being actively carried out over a wide area.
The identities of the victims include:
The identities of the victims include: 2 mother and child Luong Thi Nho (born 1973) and Ca Van Truong (born 2011); Giang Thi Dia (born 1977) - found on the 27th of July; 2 father and child Lo Van Pieng (32 years old) - found on the 28th of August and daughter Lo Linh Dan (5 months old) - not found yet. Additionally, there are 2 victims not found yet: Quang Manh Khai (born 2016) and Sung Cong Tri (born 2019).

Millions of hands together towards the people affected by floods

In recent days, people in the northern mountainous provinces have suffered severe losses in lives and property due to the damage caused by floods.

"A piece of food when hungry is worth a package when full", the spirit of mutual support has always been a beautiful image of the Vietnamese people. Together, sharing with the people in the flood-affected areas, helping those affected by natural disasters quickly stabilize their lives, the Golden Heart Charity Fund calls on collectives and kind-hearted individuals to join hands to support and help those affected by storms and floods.

All contributions can be sent to: Golden Heart Charity Fund – No. 51 Hang Bo, Hang Bo ward, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi. Phone: 024.39232756. Or transfer to: Golden Heart Charity Fund, account number (AC): 113000000758 at Vietinbank Hoan Kiem branch, Hanoi; free support at Vietcombank - Hanoi branch, AC: 0021000303088; free support at BIDV - Hoan Kiem branch, AC: 12410001122556.

We hope to receive both material and spiritual support sent to the people in this extremely difficult time.


Nối lại tuyến Quốc lộ 12 sau gần 5 ngày lũ quét ở Điện Biên


Mặc dù thời tiết tại Điện Biên vẫn liên tục mưa to, song với sự nỗ lực của các đơn vị, đến trưa 29.7, giao thông trên tuyến Quốc lộ 12 đã được nối lại.

Phát hiện thêm 1 thi thể trong 5 người mất tích sau lũ lớn Điện Biên

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Sau gần 4 ngày nỗ lực tìm kiếm, lực lượng chức năng tỉnh Điện Biên đã phát hiện 2 thi thể trong số 5 người mất tích do mưa lũ.

Thiếu phụ Điện Biên mất chồng con, toàn bộ nhà cửa chỉ sau 1 đêm


Chỉ sau một đêm, lũ quét đã cuốn đi sự bình yên trù phú của bản làng biên giới. Đã có 7 người chết và mất tích, hàng chục ngôi nhà bị vùi lấp...

Tiếp tục tìm kiếm 5 người mất tích do mưa lũ tại Điện Biên


Sáng 27.7, lãnh đạo UBND xã Mường Pồn, huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên cho biết vẫn chưa tìm thấy 5 người mất tích trong trận lũ quét sáng 25.7.

Bác tin "lái đò Chùa Hương bị cắt suất sau khi đi hỗ trợ bão lũ"


Mạng xã hội hiện đang lan truyền thông tin nhiều lái đò Chùa Hương (Mỹ Đức, Hà Nội) sau khi chuyển đò đi cứu trợ vùng lũ bị cắt suất, không cho chèo đò phục vụ khách.

Lý do tiếp tục đề nghị truy tố cựu Bí thư TX Bến Cát


Sau khi phục hồi điều tra, Cơ quan Cảnh sát điều tra Công an tỉnh Bình Dương đã hoàn tất điều tra, ra kết luận chuyển hồ sơ đề nghị truy tố cựu Bí thư TX Bến Cát.

Thu nhập thấp, công nhân xoay xở lo chi phí đầu năm học


Để lo các khoản chi tiêu đầu năm học mới cho con, nhiều công nhân, người lao động phải tiết kiệm, xoay xở đủ mọi cách.

Gia hạn xác minh vụ luận án tiến sĩ bị tố đạo văn


HUẾ - Đại học Huế vừa có thông báo liên quan đến vụ việc luận án tiến sĩ của trưởng phòng nghiên cứu khoa học bị tố đạo văn.