Watch the billion-dollar Nguyen Hoang bridge in Hue before the opening ceremony


HUE - Nguyen Hoang Bridge across the Huong River will be opened to traffic on the morning of March 26 under the excitement of the people of Hue City.

Khoi cong vao thang 12.2022, cong trinh duong Nguyen Hoang va cau vuot bac qua song Huong co tong von dau tu hon 2.280 ti dong (tu nguon von ngan sach Trung uong va dia phuong) sap sua duoc thong xe.
Started in December 2022, the Nguyen Hoang road project and the overpass across the Huong River with a total investment of more than VND 2,280 billion (from the central budget and Hue City) are about to be repaired and opened to traffic.
Theo ke hoach, sang 26.3.2025 TP Hue se to chuc le thong xe cho cay cau dung dip Ky niem 50 nam giai phong Hue.
According to the plan, on the morning of March 26, 2025, Hue City will hold a ceremony to open the bridge to traffic on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Hue Liberation.
Cau vuot Nguyen Hoang co chieu dai khoang 380m, cau vom thep gom 5 nhip dam, chieu rong 43m, 6 lan xe, lan di bo rong 3m, duong dan hai dau dai 210m.
Nguyen Hoang overpass is about 380m long, the steel arch bridge consists of 5 girder spans, 43m wide, 6 lanes, 3m wide walking lane, and 210m long approach roads at both ends.
Diem dau tai khu vuc nut giao duong Kim Long - Nguyen Phuc Nguyen - Nguyen Hoang (quan Phu Xuan) va diem cuoi tai khu vuc nut giao duong Bui Thi Xuan (quan Thuan Hoa).
The starting point is at the Kim Long - Nguyen Phuc Nguyen - Nguyen Hoang intersection (Phu Xuan district) and the end point is at the Bui Thi Xuan intersection (Thuan Hoa district).
Ket cau cau bang be tong cot thep, kha nang thong thuyen toi thieu rong 30m, cao 6m. Tren mat bang, cac le bo hanh duoc re nhanh xuong cong vien hai ben bo song bang 4 cau nhanh cong. Hai nut giao dau cau duoc thiet ke duong vong xuyen.
The bridge structure is made of reinforced concrete, the minimum boat clearance is 30m wide and 6m high. On the ground, the sidewalks are branched off to the park on both sides of the river with 4 curved branch bridges. The two intersections at the bridgehead are designed with roundabouts.
Dac biet, khu vuc lan can hai dau cau duoc thiet ke 64 chiec long, giong nhung chiec long che vua, dam chat cung dinh xua. Cac long deu duoc lam bang thep ma kem, mau vang va son tinh dien.
In particular, the railing area at both ends of the bridge is designed with 64 bades, similar to the bades that protect the kings, imbued with the spirit of the ancient palace. The railings are all made of gold-plated, gold-plated steel and painted with dien static paint.
Cau Nguyen Hoang la cong trinh giao thong cap dac biet, duoc chon loc qua nhieu dot thi tuyen, voi y tuong kien truc doc dao dang vom bieu tuong Hac chau Thien Mu, mang theo thong diep ve su truong ton cua vung dat co do linh thieng; hai hoa voi danh lam thang canh, di san va van hoa Hue.
Nguyen Hoang Bridge is a special-class traffic project, selected through many selection rounds, with a unique architectural idea in the form of an arch symbolic of the Imperial Academy, carrying the message of the eternity of the sacred ancient capital; in harmony with the famous scenic spots, heritage and culture of Hue.
Trong tuong lai, cau Nguyen Hoang se giup hinh thanh va phat trien cac do thi ve tinh, khu do thi moi phia tay TP Hue; phat trien kinh te xa hoi, du lich dich vu, cai thien doi song dan sinh.
In the future, Nguyen Hoang Bridge will help form and develop satellite cities and new urban areas in the west of Hue City; develop socio-economy, tourism services, improve people's lives.
Cong nhan lam viec xuyen dem don dep nhung vat lieu xay dung de chuan bi cho ngay thong xe.
Workers worked through the night to clean up construction materials to prepare for the opening day.
Dip nay, cau Nguyen Hoang thong xe danh dau buoc ngoat quan trong va mang nhieu y nghia doi voi TP Hue. Do do, nhung ngay qua, hinh anh cau Nguyen Hoang da nhan duoc su quan tam lon tu nguoi dan Hue.
On this occasion, Nguyen Hoang Bridge opened to traffic, marking an important turning point and bringing many meanings to Hue City. Therefore, in recent days, the image of Nguyen Hoang Bridge has received great attention from Hue people.


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Cloud hunting camp on Hon Van peak in Hue

Nguyễn Đạt |

HUE - Hon Van Peak in Hue City is a "heat-clearing" spot that cannot be missed during the summer days, you can camp, grill meat and hunt clouds on the mountain top.

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The trillion-dong overpass construction site in Hue is about to be completed


HUE - The overpass project across the Huong River and Nguyen Hoang Street with a total investment of nearly 2,300 billion VND is expected to open to traffic at the end of March 2025.