Risk of loss of safety from spontaneous openings across the railway


The North-South railway section passing through Ninh Binh province has many crossroads and self-opening paths, potentially causing traffic safety risks.

The North - South railway section through Ninh Binh province has a length of 21.6km (from km113+400 - km135+000) with 1 passenger station and 3 freight stations in Ninh Binh city, Tam Diep city and Hoa district. Lu. Photo: Nguyen Truong
The North - South railway section through Ninh Binh province has a length of 21.6km (from km113+400 - km135+000) with 1 passenger station and 3 freight stations in Ninh Binh city, Tam Diep city and Hoa district. Lu. Photo: Nguyen Truong
There are also 2 specialized railway lines (branch to Ninh Binh Phosphate Fertilizer Factory) connecting to the national railway at Km120+520, with a total length of 2,072 km and a specialized railway connecting to Ninh Binh port. about 2.0km. Photo: Nguyen Truong
There are also 2 specialized railway lines (branch to Ninh Binh Phosphate Fertilizer Factory) connecting to the national railway at Km120+520, with a total length of 2,072 km and a specialized railway connecting to Ninh Binh port. about 2.0km. Photo: Nguyen Truong
Although only 21.6km long, the North-South railway section passing through Ninh Binh province has many crossroads and self-opening paths, potentially causing traffic safety risks. Photo: Nguyen Truong
Although only 21.6km long, the North-South railway section passing through Ninh Binh province has many crossroads and self-opening paths, potentially causing traffic safety risks. Photo: Nguyen Truong

According to a report from the Department of Transport of Ninh Binh province, currently, there are 18 self-opening walkways in the province, including 1 self-opening walkway with a width of <3m that has been guarded and 17 self-opening walkways with a width of <3m. width <1.5m. Photo: Nguyen Truong

According to a report from the Department of Transport of Ninh Binh province, currently, there are 18 self-opening walkways in the province, including 1 self-opening walkway with a width of <3m that has been guarded and 17 self-opening walkways with a width of <3m. width <1.5m. Photo: Nguyen Truong

From 2019 until now, in Ninh Binh province, there have been 5 railway traffic accidents, killing 3 people. Authorities in Ninh Binh province have inspected and handled 413 cases of violating the railway traffic safety corridor, paying 276.1 million VND to the budget. Photo: Nguyen Truong
From 2019 until now, in Ninh Binh province, there have been 5 railway traffic accidents, killing 3 people. Authorities in Ninh Binh province have inspected and handled 413 cases of violating the railway traffic safety corridor, paying 276.1 million VND to the budget. Photo: Nguyen Truong
The paths across the North-South railway line have no barriers or guards, and are very dangerous. Photo: Nguyen Truong
The paths across the North-South railway line have no barriers or guards, and are very dangerous. Photo: Nguyen Truong
To ensure order and safety and prevent railway traffic accidents in the area, the People's Committee of Ninh Binh province has directed relevant units to continue coordinating with the Vietnam Railways Department and relevant units. Prepare documents and submit to competent authorities for approval of projects to build feeder roads and separation fences along the railway to eliminate self-opening paths across the railway. Photo: Nguyen Truong
Mr. Nguyen Cao Son - Vice Chairman of Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee said that to ensure order and safety and prevent railway traffic accidents in the area, Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee has directed relevant units to continue Coordinate with the Vietnam Railways Department and relevant units to prepare documents and submit to competent authorities for approval of projects to build feeder roads and separation fences along the railway to eliminate natural paths. open via railway. Photo: Nguyen Truong
While waiting for the removal of cross roads and spontaneous passages across the railway, the People's Committee of Ninh Binh province requires localities where the railway passes through to arrange police personnel at high-risk spontaneous passages. traffic accident occurred. Photo: Nguyen Truong
While waiting for the removal of cross roads and spontaneous passages across the railway, the People's Committee of Ninh Binh province requires localities where the railway passes through to arrange police personnel at high-risk spontaneous passages. traffic accident occurred. Photo: Nguyen Truong
At the same time, coordinate with the railway industry to organize professional training for police personnel, fully equip police service equipment according to regulations. Photo: Nguyen Truong
At the same time, coordinate with the railway industry to organize professional training for police personnel, fully equip police service equipment according to regulations. Photo: Nguyen Truong
"Chairmen of People's Committees of districts and cities where railways pass through must be responsible when railway traffic accidents occur in the areas under their management" - Mr. Son said.
"Chairmen of People's Committees of districts and cities where railways pass through must be responsible when railway traffic accidents occur in the areas under their management" - Mr. Son said.


Đột phá về cơ chế để phát triển đường sắt đô thị

Nhóm PV |

Hà Nội dự kiến đầu tư hơn 55 tỉ USD làm gần 600km đường sắt đô thị trong khi TPHCM đẩy nhanh hoàn thành Metro số 1 và nỗ lực khởi công Metro số 2. Tuy nhiên, theo các chuyên gia việc hoàn thành gần 1.000km đường sắt đô thị cho TP Hà Nội và TP Hồ Chí Minh là một nhiệm vụ bất khả thi, nếu như không có giải pháp đột phá và quy hoạch mạng lưới đường sắt đô thị cần được triển khai với tầm nhìn trăm năm.

Cầu cụt ở Bắc Ninh và đường sắt nghìn tỉ dở dang 15 năm

Trần Tuấn - Hiếu Anh |

Những cây cầu vượt cụt đầu ở Bắc Ninh nằm trong dự án đường sắt Yên Viên - Phả Lại - Hạ Long - Cái Lân với tổng mức đầu tư 7.665 tỉ đồng dở dang 15 năm nay.

Đẩy tiến độ thi công dốc hạ ngầm tuyến đường sắt đô thị Nhổn - ga Hà Nội


Từ vị trí khách sạn Daewoo (nút giao Liễu Giai – Nguyễn Chí Thanh, Hà Nội), các công nhân đang đẩy tiến độ để xây dựng kết cấu dốc hạ ngầm nối vào ga S9 thuộc tuyến đường sắt đô thị Nhổn - ga Hà Nội.

Kê biên khối bất động sản khủng của bà chủ Xuyên Việt Oil

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Mai Thị Hồng Hạnh - bà chủ Công ty Xuyên Việt Oil - bị cáo buộc gây thiệt hại hơn 1.400 tỉ đồng nên cơ quan chức năng đã kê biên hàng chục bất động sản.

Cấp dưới Trương Mỹ Lan khai: Không ngờ hậu quả quá lớn

Tú Tâm |

TPHCM - Tại phiên xử Trương Mỹ Lan giai đoạn 2, trong phần thẩm vấn, nhiều cấp dưới thừa nhận hành vi như cáo trạng truy tố.

Sắp triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương

Xuyên Đông |

Ngày 20.9, Bộ Giao thông Vận tải cho biết, sẽ triển khai một tuyến đường sắt qua Bình Dương trong năm 2025.

Lào Cai phạt quán ăn tăng giá bất thường mùa mưa lũ

Đinh Đại |

Lực lượng chức năng tỉnh Lào Cai đã tiến hành lập biên bản và xử phạt cơ sở kinh doanh dịch vụ ăn uống tại huyện Bảo Thắng.

Trường sạt lở nghiêm trọng, hàng trăm học sinh Thanh Hóa nghỉ học


Thanh Hóa - Do ảnh hưởng của mưa bão, một trường học đang xây dựng thì bị sạt lở nghiêm trọng. Ngay sau đó, ngành chức năng đã cho toàn bộ học sinh nghỉ học.