60 books nominated for the 2024 National Book Awards

Thùy Trang |

The final jury has judged and selected 60 works to be nominated for the 7th National Book Award.

At the 7th National Book Awards, publishers submitted 372 titles and book series, including 455 books (60 more titles and book series, 20 more books than the 6th National Book Awards).

The number of publishers submitting books to participate in this year's Award is 51/57 publishers, 10 publishers more than the 6th National Book Award.

Through the judging rounds, the Final Jury selected 60 works to be nominated for awards. According to Vice President of the Vietnam Publishing Association Do Quang Dung - Chairman of the Final Jury of the 7th National Book Awards, the number of books participating in this year's award has increased by 25%.

Books selected for awards must comply with the laws on publishing, intellectual property and related laws.

Nominated books are published in Vietnamese and have been confirmed by the Department of Publishing, Printing and Distribution to be deposited between November 1, 2022 and October 31, 2023.

The new regulations also allow each book category to have a maximum of 2 A prizes, including books written in Vietnamese and translated books. The addition of this award helps diversify and properly reflect the richness of book genres.

"There will be no more than 2 A prizes, 3 B prizes, 4 C prizes, 5 consolation prizes, and 5 Readers' Favorite Book prizes," said Mr. Dung.

Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Duc Cuong - Chairman of the Vietnam Historical Science Association, member of the final round of the 7th National Book Award - said that with a large number of books - 74 titles, on average each member of the subcommittee had to read more than 10 titles, some of which were up to more than 1,500 pages.

"We had to meet together many times to evaluate the work in the most comprehensive way. We felt that the effort was worth it when we could find a valuable work to honor together...", Associate Professor, Dr. Tran Duc Cuong shared.

The National Book Awards present awards for five categories of books: political and economic books; natural science and technology books; social science and humanities books; culture, literature and arts books; and children's books.

This year, the organizing committee officially added the Readers' Favorite Book Award (no division). This is the first time the Readers' Favorite Book Award has been included in the award structure, and is considered an important category to honor books that have a strong influence in the community.

After the final judging results are available, the National Book Award Council will be established to consider the awards. The National Book Award ceremony is scheduled to take place next November.

The National Book Award is a State-level award held annually, awarding books (book series) with outstanding value in terms of ideological content, knowledge, and aesthetics to honor authors, translators, scientists, and publishers, contributing to discovering, preserving, and promoting valuable works to a wide range of readers, promoting the publishing career to develop in the right direction and in line with the integration trend.

List of 60 books/book series recommended by the Final Jury to win the 7th National Book Award:

Political and economic books

- Philosophical stories - Lives and thoughts of great Western philosophers

- True Leadership North. Author: Will Durant. Translator: Hoang Duc Long

- The Lean Startup. Author: Eric Ries. Translators: Nguyen Duong Hieu, Trinh Hoang Kim Phuong, Dang Nguyen Hieu Trung

- Economics in Hard Times. Authors: Abhijit V. Banerjee, Esther Duflo. Translator: Nguyen Thi Kim Ngoc

- History of Western Philosophy (3 volumes). Author: Bertrand Russell. Translator: Ho Hong Dang

- Model for building strategy and business plan for small and medium enterprises. Author: Dr. Dao Xuan Khuong

- The Art of Strategic Thinking. Authors: Avinash K. Dixit, Barry J. Nalebuff. Translator: Kim Phuc

- International laws on patents, compulsory licenses and access to drugs in some countries around the world - Experience for Vietnam. Author: Dr. Le Vu Van Anh

- Iwakura Mission - A research trip to the West to modernize Japan during the Meiji period. Author: Ian Nish (compiler). Translator: Nguyen Hoang Mai, Nguyen Tam

- The revenge of geography. Author: Robert D. Kaplan. Translator: Professor of Geography Dao Dinh Bac

- Deeper City - Collective Intelligence and the Path from Smart to Wise. Author: Joe Ravetz. Translation Team: Nguyen Cuong

- Vo Van Kiet - Intelligence and Creativity (3 volumes). Author: Hoang Lai Giang

Social Sciences and Humanities Books

- To Quoc Newspaper and Intellectual Forum (1954-1988). Author: Bui Xuan Vinh

- Linguistic Empires - A History of the World from a Linguistic Perspective. Author: Nicholas Ostler. Translators: Pham Van Lam, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huong, Nguyen Bich Diep

- Gia Dinh - Saigon - Ho Chi Minh City: Long Mile of History (1698-2020) (2 volumes). Author: Nguyen Dinh Tu

- Journey to explore Indochina. Author: Francis Garnier. Translated and annotated: Nguyen Minh

- Annamese Art. Author: Louis Bezacier. Translated and annotated: Trang Thanh Hien, Mai Yen Thi

- Liberal Pedagogy - The World of Vietnam and Me. Author: Gian Tu Trung

- The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (03 volumes). Author: Edward Gibbon. Translator: Thanh Khe

- Vietnamese History from source documents. Author: Tran Kinh Hoa (Chen Ching Ho). Translated and compiled by: Nguyen Manh Son

- Finding traces of old Vinh - The urban appearance and people of Vinh during the French colonial period Author: Pham Xuan Can

Books on Natural Science and Technology

- Natural and synthetic apatite applications in environmental treatment. Authors: Dinh Thi Mai Thanh (editor-in-chief), Nguyen Thu Phuong, Nguyen Thi Thom, Pham Thi Nam, Nguyen Hong Nam, Nguyen Trung Dung, Mai Huong, Nguyen Thi Hue

- What does the human skeleton tell us? Author: Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Lan Cuong

- Handbook of diagnosis and treatment of internal medicine. Author: Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Dao Xuan Co (editor-in-chief)

- Vietnam National Pharmacopoeia (2 volumes). Authors: Collective authors of the Vietnam National Pharmacopoeia Council and the Vietnam Pharmacopoeia - Pharmacopoeia Centre, Ministry of Health

- Diversity of bird fauna in Lang Sen Wetland Reserve. Authors: Nguyen Tran Vy (Editor-in-Chief), Nguyen Thanh Lam, Nguyen Thi Minh Chau, Nguyen Van Tan, Nguyen Van Tu, Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Hoang Nghia Son

- Shaping the Future of 6G Networks - Necessity, Impact and Technology. Compiled by: Emmanuel Bertin, Noel Crespi, Thomas Magedanz. Translator: Le Tien Hung

- Oil painting techniques. Author: Nguyen Dinh Dang

- The World's Best Bank: A Guide to Digital Transformation Strategy and Creating Great Experiences. Author: Robin Speculand. Translator: Quang Minh, Phap Trinh

- Ovate Pontic. Lai Thanh Minh (Editor-in-Chief), Le Van Diem, Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong, Nguyen Van Hoi

- Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy (Head, Neck, Upper Limbs, Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis, Lower Limbs). Author: Sobotta.R.Putz, edited by R.Pabst. Translator: Translation Board of the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City

- The Evolution of Knowledge - Rethinking Science in the Human World. Author: Jurgen Renn. Translator: Tran Trong Hai Minh

- Commune health station. Author: Prof. Dr. Dao Van Dung (editor-in-chief)

- Favorite dictionary of sky and stars. Author: Trinh Xuan Thuan. Translator: Pham Van Thieu, Ngo Vu

- Nano silica materials: Synthesis and applications in biomedicine. Author: Nguyen Dai Hai

Books on Culture, Literature and Arts

- Aunt Hana. Author: Alena Mornstajnova. Translator: Binh Slavicka

- European Education. Author: Romain Gary. Translator: Cao Viet Dung

- Pleasure and Desire - Or the story of food and drink in 19th century Vietnam. Author: Erica J. Peters. Translator: Trinh Ngoc Minh

- History of the Frankfurt Book Fair. Author: Peter Weidhaas. Translator: An Khanh

- Champa Art (Ancient Middle Period) and its Evolution. Author: Philippe Stern. Translator: National History Museum Translation Board

- Nguyen Dinh Chieu complete works (2 volumes). Authors: Cao Tu Thanh, Doan Le Giang, Nguyen Thi Duong (edited, annotated and introduced)

- The Teacher. Author: Nguyen Chi Vinh

- Modern Vietnamese female visual artists. Author: Editorial team of Fine Arts Publishing House

- Why do we love? Author: Hien Trang

- The youth of patriotic new music. Author: Nguyen Truong Quy

- Collection of Military Writers - Yearbook - Works (5 volumes). Collective authors

- Cai Luong plays research and discussion - 10 years of cai luong plays summary (1922-1931) talks about cai luong with cai luong plays. Author: Nguyen Phuc An

- Born in 1972 - The desire to live of a person going against the flow. Author: Nguyen Canh Binh

Children's books

- Bedtime stories

1. The handsome Cat with a Tile Roof

2. Butterfly Pea Farm

Author: Gia Bao

- The Eagle Reborn. Author: Pham Thi Thanh Ha. Illustration: Kim Duan

- I love my Vietnam - Flying in the flower season. Author: Chieu Xuan. Artist: Thanh Phan

- Factopia! 400 Surprising Facts from the Land of Truth. Author: Britannica Books. Kate Hale (words). Andy Smith (illustrators). Translator: Hong Tra

- Inheritance for children (03 volumes). Author: Me Mit

- The journey of creating the national language. Words: Pham Thi Kieu Ly. Illustrations: Ta Huy Long

- Fairy Age Bookshelf

1. If one day we disappear

2. Street musician

Author: Moc An

- Funny Kingdom. Author: Nguyen Thi Kim Hoa

- The Land of Endless Nights. Author: Jun Pham

Books loved by readers

- The story of the seagull and the cat who taught her to fly. Author: Luis Sepulveda. Translator: Phuong Huyen

- Nameless Summer. Author: Nguyen Nhat Anh

- The Teacher. Author: Nguyen Chi Vinh

- How much is youth worth? Author: Rosie Nguyen

Thùy Trang

Độc giả làm “giám khảo” giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia là ý tưởng cần nhân rộng

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia lần thứ VII năm nay có một nội dung rất mới và thú vị. Đó là cho phép bạn đọc được làm “giám khảo”.

Lần đầu tiên có giải “Sách được bạn đọc yêu thích” tại Giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia lần thứ VII

Mi Lan |

Giải thưởng sách quốc gia lần thứ VII sẽ có nhiều sửa đổi, đổi mới từ điều lệ, quy chế trao giải đến những hạng mục giải thưởng dành cho sách.

Nhiều điểm mới trong Giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia

Huyền Chi |

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Độc giả làm “giám khảo” giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia là ý tưởng cần nhân rộng

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia lần thứ VII năm nay có một nội dung rất mới và thú vị. Đó là cho phép bạn đọc được làm “giám khảo”.

Lần đầu tiên có giải “Sách được bạn đọc yêu thích” tại Giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia lần thứ VII

Mi Lan |

Giải thưởng sách quốc gia lần thứ VII sẽ có nhiều sửa đổi, đổi mới từ điều lệ, quy chế trao giải đến những hạng mục giải thưởng dành cho sách.

Nhiều điểm mới trong Giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia

Huyền Chi |

Giải thưởng Sách Quốc gia hướng đến tôn vinh những cuốn sách nổi bật về nội dung tư tưởng, tri thức, thẩm mỹ, có tác động mạnh mẽ đến cộng đồng và đóng góp sâu rộng về chuyên môn.