“The Climate Is Changing – Why Aren't We?”

Thanh Hương |

Natural disasters and environmental pollution issues are also warned about in the book “Climate is changing - Why don't we?” by Daisy Kendrick - founder of Ocean Generation.

Climate change has been affecting everyone. Among natural disasters, floods and landslides are serious problems that people in the North are facing, leaving serious and heartbreaking consequences.

Not only that, every year, we still face big storms, which seriously affect people's lives in all regions.

As the problem of environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, it is also attracting more and more attention not only from the government levels but also from the individuals living on this earth.

Although the Vietnamese version was released in 2021, when reading Daisy Kendrick's writings, readers cannot help but be surprised by the warnings and analysis the female author gives.

This is a light, easy-to-read book but full of information, providing easy-to-understand perspectives on how we can live green to protect the environment. From the clothes you buy, the plastic products you use, the food you eat, to how you use social media and technology… all require readers to have a deeper understanding, change their consumption habits, and living habits to reduce emissions to the environment, reduce the “burden” on the ocean and the living environment.

The purpose of this book is not to frighten readers, but instead, the author asserts that optimism and right action will help us avoid worse tragedies that could happen to humanity and the planet.

We live in a time of urgent call for action, but why do most of us ignore it? The science of global warming has been established for 40 years, but instead of listening to the warnings, we continue to generate waste at an accelerating rate.

Humans have long thought they have the right to selfishly drain the earth of its infinite resources without consequence, but that is simply not the case. It is important to be honest about the green alternatives that individuals can and will implement immediately to make an impact on the bigger picture of climate change.

However, as the book sheds light on the truth about how we live and the world we consumers have built, readers will have information about a wide range of industries, along with solutions for change.

Daisy Kendrick served as an intern at the Permanent Mission of Grenada to the United Nations headquarters in New York after graduating from Northeastern University in Boston (USA).

She then founded the Ocean Generation organization to disrupt and innovate the conventional charity model.

The organization uses media and technology to disseminate, educate, and change human behavior on a global scale.

Daisy Kendrick was also the youngest recipient of Marie Claire's Future Changemaker Award in 2018 and was recognized by the Daily Mail as one of Britain's 50 most influential women.

Thanh Hương

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Thanh Hương |

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Bùi Đức |

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