With the article Lifetime Learning, General Secretary To Lam sent a strong message: constant learning to state of mind, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to sacrifice for the common good.
In the digital age - the era of the 4.0 industrial revolution, when technology has developed remarkably and old knowledge can become outdated after only a few months, this call is not only an orientation, a call but also a way to survive.
lifelong learning is no longer a luxury choice, but the only way for each individual, from worker to cadre, not to fall behind in a rapidly changing world.
But are we ready to hold this weapon, or are we still sleeping on old experience diseases?
The 4.0 Industrial Revolution brings artificial intelligence (AI), big data and automation, completely changing the way we work and live.
A software engineer who does not update the programming language can be replaced by machines. An administrative officer who follows old experience can become a burden in the digital system of the agency or unit he or she works for.
The sad reality is that many workers and cadres are suffering from the "experimental disease" that General Secretary To Lam warned of - complacent with old knowledge, thinking that what they know is enough to survive.
Experimental illness is not only a personal problem but a major barrier for the knowledge economy.
When the world races with technology, from smart manufacturing to digital services, Vietnam will find it difficult to move forward if the workforce and staff continue to be complacent with what they have.
Therefore, lifelong learning is not a "school for fun", but a way to break the self-satisfaction and self-reliance in the face of the strict demands of the times.
In the digital age, knowledge is no longer a one-time accumulation but a continuous flow.
A report from the World Economic Forum predicts that by 2030, 50% of current skills will be outdated and new occupations - from data experts to AI engineers - will prevail.
Vietnam, with the aspiration to become a developed country by 2045, cannot stand outside this game. lifelong learning is the luggage for each individual to meet the requirements of the knowledge economy and international integration.
Lifetime learning in the digital age is not a theory but the key to survival and development. When technology changes day by day, when old knowledge becomes a burden, only those who dare to learn and dare to renew themselves can stand firm.
In order for Vietnam not to fall behind in the global race, each citizen responds to the call of General Secretary To Lam with specific and practical learning actions.
The State has paved the way, but each citizen must study on their own initiative, first of all for their own benefit.
Without learning, without innovating, we will forever be on the sidelines of the digital age and that is a prospect that no one desires.