After implementing the restructuring plan, Lao Cai province reduced 148 agencies, organizations, and units, and reduced 168 leaders. The amount of 600 billion VND was calculated from the regular spending savings due to the reduction of the apparatus and leaders.
Implement a systematic streamlining, clear data, calculate the amount of savings and publicly announce. Local people will be very excited to receive this information, reducing the burden of supporting the apparatus is what everyone wants.
Lao Cai province has set out a task to streamline the apparatus, including a thorough review to avoid duplication or omission of functions and tasks; at the same time, arranging and restructuring the internal organization to ensure streamlining and reducing units; resolutely merging organizations with similar functions and tasks; and ending operations of organizations with unclear tasks.
Streamlining the apparatus, Lao Cai saves 600 billion VND/year, the whole country has 63 provinces and cities, after streamlining how much will be saved, not to mention the ministries, branches, and departments of central agencies.
Not many localities have stated the amount of savings after streamlining the apparatus like Lao Cai, but it is certainly a significant number. Streamlining the apparatus will continue to be implemented to truly "streamline", not in theory or slogan, but in real value.
To streamline the apparatus, it is estimated that 130 trillion VND will be needed to resolve policies with cadres, civil servants, and public employees after the reorganization. However, this amount of money is spent once, while the savings from streamlining are annual, continuous, and the benefits to the country are enormous.
It is huge, impossible to calculate, because not only is the budget saved for development investment, but the apparatus operates more effectively, and people and businesses enjoy high-quality administrative products.
To make the system work effectively, along with cutting staff and merging units, we need to select good people and put them in the right places so that they can develop their abilities. Every locality clearly sees this, so this is also an opportunity for talented and dedicated people to contribute.
Financial people are invaluable resources of the country.