3 ways to make delicious dishes from jackfruit

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO Healthshots) |

Jackfruit is a delicious fruit loved by many people. Below are some recipes for preparing delicious dishes from jackfruit .

Health benefits of jackfruit

Rich in nutrients

In addition to the main ingredient water, jackfruit contains many nutrients necessary for the body. 100 grams of jackfruit contains 73.5 grams of water, the rest are essential nutrients such as vitamins (A, C and group B), minerals (potassium, magnesium, iron) and fiber.

Rich in antioxidants

Thanks to being rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, eating jackfruit regularly can help fight stress. Nutritionist Tanya Mehra said that eating jackfruit can reduce symptoms of heart disease and arthritis because the active ingredients in this fruit have anti-inflammatory properties.

Enhance immunity

The vitamin C content in jackfruit can help the body strengthen the immune system. This helps you fight infections and maintain good overall health.

May improve digestion

In 100 grams of jackfruit contains 1.5 grams of fiber. This essential nutrient is known to aid digestion and prevent constipation.

Provides energy

According to research, 100 grams of jackfruit contains 23.2 grams of carbohydrates and 19 grams of sugar. Eating jackfruit helps provide carbohydrates and sugar to the body quickly, helping to produce energy.

How to make some delicious dishes from jackfruit

Jackfruit salad


- 500gr ripe jackfruit, diced

- Mixed greens such as lettuce, mustard and spinach

- 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced

- 100gr cherry tomatoes, cut in half

- 1 cucumber, sliced

- 50ml lemon juice


- Mix all ingredients in a large bowl to make a salad.

- Sprinkle lemon juice over the mixture to enhance the flavor of the dish

Jackfruit smoothie


- 125 grams of ripe jackfruit

- 1 banana

- 250ml almond milk

- Spinach, chia seeds (depending on needs)


- Mix all the ingredients then pour into the blender, puree until you get a smooth mixture.

- Smoothies will taste better when you enjoy them right away

Dried jackfruit with olive oil and sea salt


- 500 grams of ripe jackfruit, thinly sliced

- 15ml olive oil

- 5ml sea salt


- Mix jackfruit slices with olive oil and sea salt.

- Bake at 200 degrees F until crispy.

- Let cool and enjoy

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO Healthshots)

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Ứng phó bão số 4, chủ động với các tình huống xấu nhất xảy ra


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Surprised by jackfruit's ability to help lose weight and reduce uric acid levels

Hương Giang (Theo WebMD) |

Jackfruit is a delicious summer fruit known to everyone. It also has many health benefits, including weight loss and uric acid reduction .