Regularly eating radishes can promote fat oxidation and reduce body fat. Radishes also contain a lot of vegetable protein and folic acid - substances that can promote the excretion of toxins from the blood vessels, reduce blood fat content, thereby reducing blood lipids.
Kiwi is one of the most popular fruits that contain a lot of protein; kiwi not only has the effect of preventing diseases, but is also rich in vitamin C, which can help improve heart function, promote blood circulation, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. This can prevent the formation of fatty liver.
Kelp not only contains vitamins A, C and E with good antioxidant properties, but also has many health-beneficial plant compounds.
Kelp contains a large amount of iodine, which is effective in reducing the symptoms of goiter.
Kelp is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and fiber, which can promote the removal of cholesterol in the blood and help excrete cholesterol from the body, preventing fatty liver disease.