Daily fat intake accounts for 25-35% of total calories
The American Heart Association recommends that daily fat intake should account for 25-35% of total calories. People with kidney disease often need to limit their protein intake; consuming too much starch will affect blood sugar levels. Therefore, you can use high-quality fats to supplement the necessary calories for the body.
Avoid trans fats
Trans fats can easily lead to atherosclerosis and accelerate the decline in kidney function. This substance is often found in fried foods, cookies, cakes and some industrial butter...
Reduce saturated fat intake
The American Heart Association recommends keeping saturated fat below 5%. Foods rich in saturated fat such as pork fat, chicken fat, coconut oil...
Reduce omega-6 intake and increase omega-3 intake
An imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 can cause chronic inflammation. We should supplement omega-3 through fish oil.
Increase absorption of monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acids
Both the WHO and the American Heart Association recommend omega-3s as 1.5 times higher than polyunsaturated fatty acids. We should use olive oil for cooking.