Agni Pran Pose
- First, sit cross-legged, with your index toes and thumbs touching each other and the remaining fingers pointing straight.
- Close your eyes, concentrate your mind, breathe quickly and evenly through your nose, and keep your mouth closed.
- To exhale, force the air out through your nose by pressing your navel toward your spine.
- To inhale, relax your upper abdomen and let the breath flow in easily. The inhale should be of equal length and force to the exhale, and you should pay attention to keeping your chest relaxed and slightly raised throughout the exercise cycle.
Pawanmuktasana pose
- First, lie on your back, bend your legs and bring your knees toward your chest.
- Next, wrap your hands around your knees, lift your head up and put your nose between your knees, breathing normally.
- To release the pose, straighten your back and place your head on the ground, slowly keep your arms at your sides and bring your feet to the ground.
Paripurna Navasana Pose
- Lie on your back with your heels together, point your toes forward, and lift your heels about 6 inches off the ground.
- Next, lift your head up and focus your eyes on your toes. Straighten your arms, bringing them parallel to the floor, pointing your fingertips toward your toes.
- Tighten your abdominal muscles and relax your shoulders, place your hands at your sides, place your heels on the floor and lie down gently.
Sitali pranayama posture
- Sit in a comfortable position, keeping your spine straight.
- Roll your tongue and bring it out slightly from your lips, then inhale deeply and gently through your tongue and mouth.
- Finally, exhale through your nose.
Sat kriya pose
- Sit on your heels and keep your knees together.
- Next, stretch your arms straight over your head, elbows straight until your hands hug the sides of your head, interlocking all your fingers except your index finger.
- Maintain a steady position on your heels and keep your spine straight throughout the kriya pose.