Stick Pose
First, start in a seated position with your legs extended out in front of you.
Bring your feet together and bring your heels together.
Keep your back straight.
Look forward and place your palms next to your hips on the floor to support your spine.
Relax your shoulders and hold this position for 30 seconds.
Padottanasana pose
Start by lying on your back (you can lean against a wall if needed).
Keep your legs in line with your hips.
Relax and close your eyes while breathing deeply.
You can also lift and hold each leg individually, keeping both legs straight.
Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer depending on how comfortable you feel.
Vajrasana pose
Stand up straight with your arms placed alongside your body.
Slowly lower your knees to the mat.
Place your pelvis on your heels and point your toes out.
Keep your heels apart.
Place your palms facing up on your knees, keep your back straight and look forward.
Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Plank Pose
Lie on your stomach, place your palms under your shoulders and lift your upper body, pelvis and knees.
Use your toes to grip the floor and keep your knees straight.
Make sure your knees, pelvis and spine are aligned.
Your wrists should be placed exactly below your shoulders with your arms kept straight.
Hold this position for 30 seconds.
Vrikshasana pose
To do this move, first start in samasthithi position.
Lift your right foot off the floor and shift your weight onto your left foot.
Place your right foot on the inside of your thigh, as close to your groin as possible.
Use the palm of your hand to support your foot to get it into the correct position.
Once you have found your balance, bring your palms together in pranam mudra.
Straighten your elbows and make sure your head is between your arms.
Repeat the same with the other leg, hold this position for 30 seconds.