6 tips to help limit sugary drink consumption

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Consuming too much sugar has negative effects on health, here are 6 tips to reduce sugary drink consumption.

Why Sugary Drinks Are Unhealthy

High in calories: Sugary drinks are high in “ empty calories ” because they provide little or no essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals to the body, leading to weight gain.

Weight gain: Drinking lots of sugary drinks increases your risk of obesity. Unlike solid foods, sugary drinks don't fill you up, so you end up consuming more calories. The extra calories in these drinks can lead to weight gain.

Increased risk of chronic disease: Regular consumption of sugary drinks can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The high sugar content in such drinks can lead to insulin resistance, which is a precursor to diabetes.

Dental problems: The sugar in these drinks can cause tooth decay if consumed regularly. The sugar can interact with bacteria in the mouth and create acids that erode tooth enamel.

How to reduce sugary drink consumption

1. Replace sugary drinks with water: There are many healthy drinks, but water is the best alternative to sugary drinks because it has no calories. To make water more palatable, you can add a few slices of lemon or cucumber to the water.

2. Choose sugar-free drinks: Choose sugar-free drinks like tea, coffee or nut milk, if you need a little sweetness, add a small amount of honey or jaggery, but in moderation.

3. Eat smoothies: Skip the sugary tea and soda, and try homemade smoothies. Throw any fruit or vegetable you like into a blender with low-fat milk or yogurt and enjoy.

4. Gradually reduce sugar intake: If you drink very sweet drinks, try gradually reducing the amount of sugar. For example, if you usually add three teaspoons of sugar to your tea or coffee, try reducing it to two teaspoons and then one teaspoon over time.

5. Don’t buy or stock sugary drinks at home: To limit your sugary drinks intake, don’t buy them and keep them in the refrigerator. Instead of buying sugary drinks, stock up on healthy drinks like herbal teas or fruit-infused water.

6. Read labels carefully: Pay attention to the sugar content of the drinks you want to buy by reading the nutrition label. If terms like corn syrup, fructose, or sucrose are mentioned, don't buy them.

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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