After age 50, staying active becomes important for overall health and well-being. These mobility exercises will help you stay active, flexible, and healthy after age 50.
1. Shoulder rotation
Rotate your shoulders forward and back several times a day to improve shoulder mobility and reduce stiffness.
2. Hamstring and lower back stretch
While sitting on the floor, reach toward your toes to stretch your hamstrings and lower back. Use a towel or strap if you can't reach your toes.
3. Flex and extend the ankle
Sit, then flex and stretch your ankles to improve mobility and circulation in the area. This is a simple exercise that can be done several times a day.
4. Twist
While sitting or standing, gently rotate your torso from side to side to improve spinal rotation. Tighten your abdominal muscles while exercising to help narrow your waistline.
5. Connecting core muscles and posture
Stand against a wall with your abs tight, your back against the wall, and your knees slightly bent. Move your arms up and down in a “W” to “Y” motion. This exercise promotes shoulder mobility, core muscles, and improves posture.