1. Walking
Walking is a simple form of exercise for many beginners that doesn’t feel overwhelming or require a lot of equipment. It’s also a low-stress exercise that puts less stress on your joints.
According to the American Council on Exercise, a 155-pound person burns about 7.6 calories per minute walking. A 185-pound person burns about 9.7 calories per minute.
A 12-week study in 20 overweight women showed that walking for 50–70 minutes, three times per week, reduced body fat and waist circumference by an average of 1 inch (2.8 cm).
2. Jogging
Studies show that jogging can help burn visceral fat - the type of fat that accumulates around internal organs and is linked to chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
According to the American Council on Exercise, a 155-pound person burns about 10.8 calories per minute during light jogging, and 13.2 calories per minute during high-intensity jogging.
Similarly, a 180-pound person burns about 13.9 calories per minute during light jogging and 17 calories per minute during high-intensity jogging.
3. Cycling
Research shows that people who cycle regularly have better overall health, with a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and death compared to people who do not cycle.
4. Weight training
Weight training helps build strength and develop muscle, which in turn increases your basal metabolic rate (RMR) — the number of calories your body burns at rest.
A 6-month study found that performing strength training for 11 minutes, three times per week, increased metabolic rate by an average of 7.4%, equivalent to burning an additional 125 calories per day.

5. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a general term for short bursts of high-intensity exercise, interspersed with periods of rest.
HIIT workouts typically last 10–30 minutes and can burn a lot of calories. One study of nine healthy men found that HIIT burned 25–30% more calories per minute than other exercises.
6. Swimming
The American Council on Exercise estimates that a 150-pound person burns about 9 calories per minute swimming at a moderate intensity. A 180-pound person burns about 11.6 calories per minute.
How you swim also affects the number of calories you burn. Research on swimmers shows that the breaststroke burns the most calories, followed by the butterfly, freestyle, and backstroke.
Besides, swimming is also a low-impact exercise on joints, very suitable for people with injuries or joint pain.
7. Yoga
Yoga is a practice that brings many health benefits and can effectively promote weight loss. A 12-week study of 60 overweight women showed that the group that practiced yoga twice a week, for 90 minutes each session, reduced their waist circumference by an average of 3.8 cm.
In addition, yoga also helps significantly improve stress levels, improving mental and physical health.
8. Pilates
According to research from the American Council on Exercise, a 145-pound person burns 108 calories in a 30-minute basic Pilates class, and 168 calories in an advanced class of the same length.
Another 8-week study in 37 middle-aged women showed that practicing pilates for 90 minutes, 3 times per week, significantly reduced waist, belly, and hip circumference compared to a group that did not exercise.
To enhance weight loss, Pilates should be combined with a balanced diet and other forms of exercise such as weight training or aerobics.