Hospitals join hands to "solve" the difficulty of lacking medicine and medical supplies

Lệ Hà |

Some medical facilities still experience shortages of drugs and medical supplies at certain times.

On September 24, the Northern Provinces Hospital Directors Club held a 2024 conference with the theme "Exchange on hospital management in the new era".

Speaking at the event, Mr. Hoang Cuong, Deputy Director of the Department of Planning and Finance (Ministry of Health) admitted: Through inspection and review, we found that there was a shortage of drugs and medical supplies in some hospitals due to the reason that in early 2024, hospitals applied the new Bidding Law, so the application was delayed. Some bidding packages had regulations that were not in accordance with the regulations on bidding packages, leading to bid cancellation. Basically, the work of ensuring drugs and supplies in medical examination and treatment is meeting the demand.

In the past, many legal documents on bidding have been issued. Up to now, the legal regulations and instructions for purchasing drugs and medical supplies have basically met the needs. However, when implementing, some problems may arise. But these problems are not the main reason why hospitals cannot purchase. The evidence is that many localities and hospitals have bid and have not encountered any problems. However, some other hospitals have encountered problems. In the recent past, the Ministry of Health has closely reviewed and promptly provided instructions and regulations so that bidding can meet the needs.

"Recently, the Government also assigned the Ministry of Health the task of continuing to review and propose amendments according to its authority to the content that is still stuck in the implementation process, or is not suitable to reality. In particular, the Prime Minister also assigned the ministry to take charge of developing a handbook on the process of purchasing drugs and medical equipment. Currently, we are implementing this task. In the near future, based on research and synthesizing the problems of hospitals, the handbook will be issued, in the spirit of hand-holding. Hospitals can refer to it to carry out bidding and procurement. Avoid shirking responsibility, evading responsibility, and pushing one's tasks to superiors" - Mr. Cuong said.

Associate Professor, Dr. Dao Xuan Co - Director of Bach Mai Hospital - said that the hospital ensures essential medicines, supplies, especially equipment. If before 2022, most patients coming to the hospital had to wait a whole week to get an X-ray, now patients can get an X-ray and a diagnosis within the day.

With the current legal documents, the immediate difficulties have been resolved. However, in reality, there are still problems such as price management. There needs to be a policy on drug and medical supplies prices. The current bidding and purchasing process has the risk of buying at high prices. Hospital leaders cannot know the real price of a device or a drug. When purchasing based on quotes from businesses or winning bids, there is still a risk that the price is not reasonable.

Hospitals are very worried, so price management needs to be strictly regulated so that hospitals can be confident in their purchases. In addition, hospital fees need to be calculated correctly and sufficiently to operate public hospitals effectively.

Mr. Hoang Cuong explained that regarding the package price, there are many ways to determine the price of materials to be purchased based on market prices, through the results of open bidding. All of these bidding results have been made public on the national bidding network. This is a price reference channel for medical facilities, reflecting quite closely the market. This is the basis for bidding prices.

Faced with the difficulties of medical facilities, Minister of Health Dao Hong Lan said that in the coming time, the Ministry of Health will continue to improve the legal framework for hospital management. At the same time, it will continue to resolve challenges, difficulties, and inadequacies related to the implementation of autonomy mechanisms, procurement and bidding...

Lệ Hà

Thiếu thuốc, lãnh đạo bệnh viện phải chịu trách nhiệm

Phương Anh |

Để xảy ra tình trạng thiếu thuốc, hóa chất, vật tư xét nghiệm, thiết bị y tế... lãnh đạo các cơ sở khám chữa bệnh phải chịu trách nhiệm.

Đà Nẵng xử lý tình trạng thiếu thuốc khi chờ đấu thầu

Nguyễn Linh |

Trong thời gian chờ kết quả mua sắm thuốc tập trung giai đoạn 2024 - 2026, Sở Y tế TP Đà Nẵng thực hiện nhiều giải pháp để xử lý tình trạng thiếu thuốc.

Xây dựng quy định để trả lại tiền cho bệnh nhân BHYT khi thiếu thuốc, vật tư


Từ ngày 19 - 22.8.2024, phiên họp thứ 36 của Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội sẽ cho ý kiến với 4 dự án Luật, trong đó xem xét, quyết định việc bổ sung dự án Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Luật Bảo hiểm Y tế (BHYT) vào chương trình xây dựng luật, pháp lệnh. Việc sửa đổi bổ sung luật BHYT đang được nhiều người quan tâm trong bối cảnh tình trạng thiếu vật tư vẫn kéo dài, chưa thể giải quyết triệt để khiến nhiều loại thuốc thuộc danh mục thanh toán của BHYT không có, buộc người bệnh phải bỏ tiền ra mua.

Cựu TGĐ Vạn Thịnh Phát muốn dùng tiền lương trả cho trái chủ

Tâm Tú |

TPHCM - Sáng 25.9, TAND TPHCM tiếp tục xét hỏi về hành vi “Rửa tiền” và “Vận chuyển tiền tệ trái phép qua biên giới” trong vụ án Vạn Thịnh Phát giai đoạn 2.

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 25.9: Ồ ạt tăng cao

Khương Duy |

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 25.9: Kim loại quý trên thị trường thế giới ồ ạt tăng lên, phá mọi kỷ lục.

Người dân trong vụ sạt lở ở Sa Pa sẽ có nơi ở mới

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Các hộ dân trong vụ sạt lở tại xã Mường Hoa (thị xã Sa Pa) sẽ được bố trí xây nhà mới để ổn định cuộc sống.

Người dân huyện Mỹ Đức, Hà Nội khổ vì đoạn đường “nắng bụi, mưa lầy lội”


Gần 2km đường giao thông nông thôn qua ao làng Giữa Quýt nằm trên địa bàn xã Tuy Lai, huyện Mỹ Đức, Hà Nội đã xuống cấp, hư hỏng. Tình trạng “nắng bụi, mưa lầy lội”, khiến việc đi lại của người dân gặp nhiều khó khăn.

Địa phương và nhà thầu "lệch pha", dự án nâng cấp QL19 qua Bình Định ì ạch

Xuân Nhàn |

Hạn hoàn thành (31.10.2024) tới gần, gói thầu XL-01 Dự án tăng cường kết nối giao thông khu vực Tây Nguyên (QL19), đoạn qua huyện Tây Sơn, Bình Định vẫn ngổn ngang do thiếu tiếng nói chung giữa chính quyền địa phương và nhà thầu.

Lack of medicine, hospital leaders must take responsibility

Phương Anh |

The leaders of medical facilities must take responsibility for the shortage of drugs, chemicals, testing supplies, medical equipment...

Da Nang deals with drug shortage while waiting for bidding

Nguyễn Linh |

While waiting for the results of the centralized drug procurement for the 2024 - 2026 period, the Da Nang Department of Health has implemented many solutions to deal with the drug shortage.

Develop regulations to return money to health insurance patients when there is a shortage of medicine and supplies


From August 19 - 22, 2024, the 36th session of the National Assembly Standing Committee will give opinions on 4 Law projects, including considering and deciding on the addition of a Law project amending and supplementing a number of articles. of the Law on Health Insurance (HI) into the law and ordinance development program. The amendment and supplementation of the health insurance law is attracting many people's attention in the context that the shortage of supplies still persists and cannot be completely resolved, causing many drugs on the health insurance payment list to be unavailable, forcing patients to give up. money to buy.