Experts warn of 6 foods to stay away from if you don't want cancer

VietNamNet (Dịch theo Sohu) |

Choosing the wrong foods will lead to cancer as well as other dangerous diseases for humans. These foods have become a "cancer killer" but many people do not know and are eating them every day.

Here are 6 foods that cause cancer that nutritionists recommend not to use:

1. Potatoes appear black spots

When potatoes show signs of deformation, mold and black spots, it means the potatoes are damaged and infected. After eating mustard, it will lead to food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, even asthma and convulsions. In addition, eating this type of potato for a long time can lead to serious liver failure because bacteria from potatoes invade and damage cells in the body.

2. Potato sprouts

Potatoes sprout contain a lot of solanine - an extremely toxic substance. We can become poisoned after eating and have symptoms such as abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea. Even if we remove the sprouts from the potato, solanine is still in the potatoes and causes us to be poisoned as usual.

3. Salted foods and preservatives

Bacon, sausage, kimchi, pickled melon and other foods are often favored for their delicious and easy-to-store flavor. However, this food group contains nitrates and nitrites, which if used regularly will lead to a high risk of cancer.

4. Lost milestone

Millet contains aflatoxin, which is currently the leading carcinogen. Even when we cook at high temperatures, aflatoxin in peanuts does not disappear or decompose under the effects of heat but will be directly taken into the body through food. Therefore, when peanuts have mold or damage, we should immediately cancel them to avoid having relatives in the family eat aflatoxin.

5. Food to leave overnight

Many people have the habit of saving, often storing leftover food in the refrigerator and reusing it the next day. This is extremely dangerous for our health. Excess food contains a lot of nitrates, if used too much it can easily lead to cancer, especially meat and vegetable products.

6. Uncooked green beans

Raw green beans contain saponin, phytohemagglutinin and other substances. Eating uncooked green beans will make us feel uncomfortable in the body and have symptoms such as vomiting and poisoning.

VietNamNet (Dịch theo Sohu)

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