How does the body change when dinner time is changed from 9pm to 6pm?


Eating dinner earlier can significantly and positively affect your health and well-being .

Why should we eat dinner earlier?

Many families often have the habit of having dinner late (around 9pm). However, studies show that moving dinner to an earlier time (about 6pm) can have a positive impact on your health.

Dr. Pranav Honnavara Srinivasan, consultant physician specializing in chemistry at Fortis Hospital, Bengaluru (India), said that moving dinner from 9:00 p.m. or 9:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. will create a series of changes in your body.

You will likely get an immediate energy boost in the evening, as your muscles may not be as busy digesting a heavy meal before bed.

This change can also reduce common digestive discomforts like heartburn and nighttime indigestion, because your stomach has more time to empty before you rest.

A study published in the journal Clinical Content and Metabolism (USA) shows that eating dinner early helps blood sugar levels stay more stable throughout the night, potentially improving sleep quality and alertness. apple in the morning.

Eating dinner earlier is consistent with your body's natural circadian rhythm

Eating dinner earlier aligns with your body's natural circadian rhythm, which impacts various physiological processes, including metabolism, asserts Dr. Srinivasan.

He adds, “Finishing dinner before 6 p.m. improves metabolic markers like fasting blood sugar and insulin sensitivity management.

Impact on sleep quality

Eating dinner early creates a longer gap before bed, allowing for optimal digestion and minimizing sleep disruptions caused by increased body temperature and fluctuating blood sugar levels, says Dr. Srinivasan. This extended gap can lead to deeper, more relaxing sleep.

“A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that participants who switched to eating dinner earlier improved their sleep duration and quality as well as increased energy during the day,” says Srinivasan. the next day. These findings highlight the potential of eating dinner early as a simple yet effective sleep-promoting strategy.”

Potential benefits and limitations

Dr. Srinivasan confirmed that eating dinner at 6pm regularly can bring many long-term health benefits. It aligns with your circadian rhythm, potentially supporting weight control. In addition, it can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers, improve metabolism, reduce inflammation and regulate hormones better.

However, he mentioned that each person's reaction is different. Some people may initially feel hungry or crave more food in the evening. It is essential to listen to your body and gradually move to an earlier dinner time.


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