Family of deceased pregnant woman in Lam Dong withdraws complaint


Lam Dong - The family of a woman who died 11 days after a cesarean section has withdrawn their complaint against Lam Dong General Hospital.

On October 9, Mr. Le Van Tien - Director of Lam Dong General Hospital - said that the family of patient Ka Hien (residing in Kom Pang village, Tan Thanh commune, Lam Ha district, Lam Dong) has requested to withdraw the complaint.

Previously, patient Ka Hien had a cesarean section at Lam Dong General Hospital. However, 11 days after the cesarean section, the patient died.

After the mother died, her family filed a complaint with the Board of Directors of Lam Dong General Hospital, requesting clarification of the cause of the mother's death.

In a petition sent to the hospital, the pregnant woman’s family said that on September 15, Ka Hien was admitted to the hospital with her water broken and her amniotic fluid dirty green. She was 37 weeks pregnant and was due to give birth on September 25.

After examination and testing, the doctors consulted and decided to perform a cesarean section. After the surgery, on September 19, Ms. Ka Hien and her newborn baby girl weighing 2.4 kg were discharged from the hospital and returned home.

On September 21, Ms. Ka Hien continued to be admitted to Lam Dong General Hospital for emergency treatment with difficulty breathing, lower limb edema, and difficult to measure blood pressure.

The patient then fell into a coma, had abdominal distension, bruising in the lower abdomen, and a tense, purple longitudinal incision in the middle of the abdomen.

Lam Dong General Hospital consulted and performed emergency surgery and Ms. Ka Hien was transferred to the Intensive Care and Anti-Poisoning Department for treatment.

At 6 p.m. on September 26, Ms. Ka Hien was in a deep coma and the hospital explained her serious condition to her family. After that, the family asked to take the patient home.

The leader of Lam Dong General Hospital said that during the patient's hospitalization, medical staff consulted and explained in detail the patient's condition.

The cause of Ka Hien’s death was dengue shock syndrome with complications of multiple organ failure that could not be reversed. The doctors and team tried their best to save her, but she did not survive.

After the hospital's professional council met and reached an official conclusion, the hospital leadership informed and explained in detail to the family. After that, the family of patient Ka Hien withdrew the complaint.

Also related to this incident, the Ministry of Health has sent a document requesting the Lam Dong Department of Health to direct the Provincial General Hospital to establish a professional council to review the process of receiving, monitoring, caring for and handling the case of pregnant woman Ka Hien.


Bộ Y tế đề nghị làm rõ vụ sản phụ tử vong tại Lâm Đồng


Lâm Đồng - Bộ Y tế có văn bản đề nghị Sở Y tế Lâm Đồng chỉ đạo BVĐK tỉnh thành lập hội đồng chuyên môn làm rõ vụ việc sản phụ ở huyện Lâm Hà tử vong sau 11 ngày sinh mổ.

Yêu cầu làm rõ việc sản phụ tử vong sau khi sinh mổ


Lâm Đồng - Sau sinh mổ, sản phụ Ka Hiền được các bác sĩ cho xuất viện về nhà nhưng sức khoẻ yếu dần và bệnh nhân tiếp tục nhập viện cứu chữa nhưng đã tử vong.

Mẹ con sản phụ nghèo tử vong trên đường đi cấp cứu


Lâm Đồng - Phát hiện người phụ nữ mang bầu đang trong tình trạng hấp hối nên người dân liền đưa đến bệnh viện cấp cứu nhưng người này đã tử vong sau đó.

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Quảng Trị - Năm 2022, FLC đề xuất dừng nghiên cứu một số dự án, đến nay có văn bản xin nghiên cứu lại các dự án du lịch, giải trí cao cấp ở huyện Gio Linh.

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Ministry of Health requests clarification on maternal death in Lam Dong


Lam Dong - The Ministry of Health has issued a document requesting the Lam Dong Department of Health to direct the provincial General Hospital to establish a professional council to clarify the case of a pregnant woman in Lam Ha district who died 11 days after a cesarean section.

Request clarification on maternal death after cesarean section


Lam Dong - After giving birth by cesarean section, the mother Ka Hien was discharged from the hospital to go home, but her health gradually weakened and she was hospitalized again for treatment but died.

Poor mother and child died on the way to the emergency room


Lam Dong - Discovering a pregnant woman in a dying state, people immediately took her to the hospital for emergency treatment, but she died later.