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3 ways to train children to be independent

Tuấn Đạt (Theo Smartparents) |

To help children always be confident in overcoming difficulties in life and being independent in solving problems is something that parents need to train and teach their children early.

Walking 10km of forest road to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival for children in Quang Ngai


Members traveled more than 10km of forest road, carrying goods and necessities to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival for children in village 2, Tra Giang commune, Tra Bong district, Quang Ngai .

Friends Club builds schools for children in the highlands of Quang Nam

Hoàng Bin |

Mr. Phung's school in Quang Nam , sponsored by the Friends Club, was inaugurated before the new school year.

Be alert to symptoms of acute urticaria in children


On August 30, news from Hoan My Cuu Long Hospital (Can Tho City ) said that the hospital had successfully treated a 7-year-old patient with allergic urticaria and sepsis.

9 tips to protect children from hearing loss


Hearing loss in children can be caused by ear infections, genetics, and infections during pregnancy. So try to prevent hearing loss in children.

Liver diseases are common in children


Liver disease is common in adults, but it can also occur in children due to different factors.

Causes of limping in children


Understanding the causes and symptoms associated with limping in children is essential for timely treatment and ensuring your child's health.

A body was discovered at Mu U Lake in Quang Binh


While taking a bath, people discovered the body of a child at Mu U Lake (Bo Trach district, Quang Binh province ).

Baby has heat stroke due to air conditioning, how to handle it to avoid danger?

Thanh Trà |

Heatstroke in children due to air conditioning is a dangerous condition, but it can be completely prevented and responded to promptly if parents know how to handle it.

Formal Translation: Conducting an investigation into the infant's death at the Central Highlands Regional Hospital.


Regarding the case of the 2-day-old infant death that occurred unusually, the Provincial Department of Health in Đắk Lắk Province will establish a team to conduct an inspection at the Tây Nguyên Region General Hospital.

Physician Points Out Mistakes Made When Using Air Conditioners on Hot Summer Days


Weather hot weather, excessive use or sudden entry into air-conditioned rooms, lack of humidity in the room… are the causes that make children prone to illness.

How to get children to eat vegetables?

Nhật Minh (Theo |

Nutritionist Ilona Sanchez offers some advice to help parents who are having difficulty getting their children to eat vegetables.

What are the penalties for obstructing children's education?

Nam Dương |

Readers email to ask: How are people who hinder children 's education punished?