Bộ Tài chính

Who is free to exploit and use land documents?

Minh Bảo |

In case of free exploitation and use of land documents from the National Land Information System according to the new Circular.

The Ministry of Finance responds to personal income tax debt

Minh Ánh |

On the morning of August 5, the Ministry of Finance provided feedback, answering the problem that many people were surprised because they suddenly owed personal income tax when they had income from many sources.

Attract financial investment from a visit to Australia

Minh Ánh |

Within the framework of a working visit to Australia from July 31 to August 3, 2024, on the morning of August 1, the Ministry of Finance 's working delegation led by Minister Ho Duc Phoc visited and worked with the Vietnamese Embassy in Australia. , in Canberra, Australia.

Abolishing consumption tax on gasoline, benefits in the short term but harms in the long term

Hoàng Văn Minh |

VCCI once again proposed eliminating the special consumption tax on gasoline because this is not a luxury item.

Appoint Mr. Nguyễn Văn Thọ as the General Director of Customs

Minh Ánh |

From September 1, Mr. Nguyen Van Tho - Deputy Director General of Customs holds the position of Director General of Customs.

The Ministry of Finance has new leadership personnel at the Department and Division levels

Minh Ánh |

On July 29, Ministry of Finance announced the decision to appoint and transfer leadership personnel at the Department and Directorate levels.

About to abolish margin requirements before stock trading

Minh Ánh |

The Ministry of Finance is currently finalizing the Draft to amend and supplement a number of articles related to deposits before securities transactions .

Many ministries and branches have opinions on registration fees

Minh Ánh |

Many ministries and branches requested the Ministry of Finance to consider Vietnam's international commitments and the risk of commercial retaliation if registration fee rates are reduced .

Experts support the proposal not to reduce registration fees

Hiếu Anh |

Lao Dong Newspaper has just published a series of articles about considering not reducing registration fees by 50% for domestically produced cars. Many experts also support this.

Lo ngại tăng sốc thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt sẽ làm tăng thuốc lá nhập lậu

hiếu Anh |

Nhiều chuyên gia cho rằng nếu thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt (TTĐB) với thuốc lá tăng sốc sẽ đẩy giá bán thuốc lá hợp pháp tăng mạnh, người tiêu dùng sẽ tìm đến nguồn hàng lậu vốn không chịu ảnh hưởng bởi loại thuế này.

The Ministry of Finance proposes not to reduce registration fee rates

Minh Ánh |

The Ministry of Finance has just submitted a report to the Government, proposing to consider not reducing the registration fee (LPTB) for domestically produced and assembled cars.

More than 30,000 billion VND in taxes, fees and charges can be reduced in the last 6 months of the year

Minh Ánh |

The Ministry of Finance said that in the first 6 months of the year, the implementation of tax exemption and reduction policies, fees and charges reached about 47,300 billion VND. It is expected that the last 6 months of the year may reduce by more than 30,000 billion VND.

Sớm nghiên cứu hệ thống thuế carbon tương thích với các nước


Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ Trần Hồng Hà giao Bộ Tài chính sớm nghiên cứu hệ thống thuế carbon tương thích với các nước, theo nguyên tắc đối đẳng.