Giving 60,000 notebooks to students in flooded areas of Yen Bai

Trần Bùi |

On October 3, the Golden Heart Fund in collaboration with Khanh Viet Corporation (Khatoco) presented 60,000 notebooks to students in the flooded areas of Yen Bai.

Yen Bai has just experienced a historic flood with heavy destruction, causing 54 deaths and missing; 25,263 houses of people were damaged; 28 schools were flooded, 37 schools had landslides...

Immediately after the storm passed, with the joint efforts of the entire political system, on September 16, schools in Yen Bai province welcomed students back.

Promoting the tradition of solidarity, "mutual love and support", sharing difficulties and losses with people in flood-hit areas, Khanh Viet Corporation (headquartered in Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa) through the Golden Heart Charity Social Fund presented 60,000 notebooks to students of schools in Yen Bai City and the two districts of Van Yen and Luc Yen.

Notably, Khatoco's warm feelings are also expressed in a very unique way when the cover of each notebook given is specially designed with the words: Towards the beloved North.

Nhung quyen vo duoc trao tang den hoc sinh vung lu Yen Bai. Anh: Tran Bui
Notebooks were given to students in the flooded area of ​​Yen Bai. Photo: Tran Bui

On the morning of October 3, at Van Phu Primary and Secondary School in Van Phu Commune, Yen Bai City, representatives of the Golden Heart Social Charity Fund, Yen Bai Provincial Labor Federation and Khanh Viet Corporation (Khatoco) presented 20,000 notebooks to students.

According to Vice Principal of Van Phu Primary and Secondary School Nguyen Thi Nhu Ly, although the school is located in the city, it is located in a suburban commune with many students in difficult circumstances. The recent storm has significantly affected their studies.

Trao 20.000 cuon sach tai Truong TH va THCS Van Phu (TP Yen Bai). Anh: Tran Bui
Presenting 20,000 books at Van Phu Primary and Secondary School (Yen Bai City). Photo: Tran Bui

"On behalf of the school and all parents of Van Phu Primary and Secondary School, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Golden Heart Fund, Yen Bai Provincial Labor Federation and Khanh Viet Corporation (Khatoco).

In the context of the school still facing many difficulties, the contribution of the delegation is not only a material sharing but also a great source of spiritual encouragement for students as well as teachers," Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Ly expressed.

Anh: Tran Bui
Donating 20,000 books at Trung Tam Primary and Secondary School (Luc Yen district). Photo: Tran Bui

Also on the same day, the delegation presented 20,000 books at Trung Tam Primary and Secondary School.

This is a school located in Trung Tam commune, Luc Yen district, Yen Bai province, with extremely difficult facilities and roads.

The school has 860 students. During the recent storm and flood, not only the school but also the students' families were severely affected.

Anh: Tran Bui
Principal of Truong Quoc Chien Center Primary and Secondary School and teachers transport 20,000 notebooks. Photo: Tran Bui

According to Principal of Centre Primary and Secondary School Truong Quoc Chien, as a school located in an area with many difficulties, facilities and learning materials are always things that the school has to worry about.

"Most of the students' families are poor, and their access to books is very limited. Many students still have to study in poverty, making it difficult for them to acquire knowledge. In that context, the gift of 20,000 notebooks that the delegation presented is truly a great source of encouragement, not only for the students but also for the school and the teaching staff," Principal Truong Quoc Chien shared.

Dai dien Quy den trao tang vo cho hoc sinh vung lu Yen Bai. Anh: Tran Bui
Representatives of the Golden Heart Fund presented notebooks to students in the flooded areas of Yen Bai. Photo: Tran Bui

On behalf of the delegation, Mr. Nguyen Duy Tai - Chief Representative of Hanoi area, Khanh Viet Corporation (Khatoco) said that he was honored to be here to present the gift of 20,000 notebooks to the students.

"We understand that, in difficult learning conditions, the lack of basic supplies such as notebooks is a big challenge for students. These notebooks are not only simple learning tools, but also a means for students to record knowledge, develop thinking skills, and get closer to their dreams.

With this small gift, we hope to be able to partly share the difficulties and bring the children more motivation to study. We believe that, with constant efforts and support from teachers, the children will overcome all obstacles and achieve many successes in their studies," said Mr. Nguyen Duy Tai.

Anh: Tran Bui
20,000 notebooks were given at the Labor Federation of Van Yen district. Photo: Tran Bui

During the day, the delegation was present in Van Yen district to present 20,000 notebooks to the district Labor Federation.

Dai dien Lien doan Lao Dong tinh Yen Bai ho tro chuyen 20.000 cuon sach.
Representatives of Yen Bai Provincial Labor Federation supported the transfer of 20,000 books.
Thay co truong.
Teachers at Centre Primary and Secondary School hand out notebooks to students.
Officials of the Van Yen District Labor Federation together transferred notebooks to students.
Presenting 20,000 books at Van Phu Primary and Secondary School in Van Phu Commune, Yen Bai City.

Trần Bùi

Báo Lao Động trao quà đến học sinh vùng lũ Yên Bái

Trần Bùi |

Ngày 28.9, Quỹ Tấm lòng Vàng phối hợp cùng nhóm học sinh Hà Nội trao quà cho điểm trường vùng lũ Yên Bái.

Mang Trung thu yêu thương đến với học sinh vùng lũ Yên Bái

Bảo Nguyên |

Ngày 17.9, Quỹ Xã hội Từ thiện Tấm lòng Vàng phối hợp tổ chức Tết Trung thu cho học sinh vùng lũ Yên Bái.

Trao quà trị giá 60 triệu đồng hỗ trợ đồng bào gặp bão, lũ

Chí Long |

Ngày 12.9, Quỹ Xã hội Từ thiện Tấm lòng Vàng nhận các sản phẩm với tổng trị giá 60 triệu đồng từ Công đoàn Công nghiệp Hóa chất Việt Nam và Tập đoàn Hóa chất Việt Nam gửi hỗ trợ đồng bào thiệt hại do bão, lũ.

Cháy lớn tại nhà máy chè ở Yên Bái

Bảo Nguyên |

Vụ cháy kéo dài 5 giờ đồng hồ tại nhà máy chè ở Yên Bái gây thiệt hại lớn về tài sản.

Thanh Thúy và hình mẫu cầu thủ bóng chuyền chuyên nghiệp


Chủ công Trần Thị Thanh Thúy luôn được các huấn luyện viên đánh giá cao ở tính kỷ luật trong tập luyện, thi đấu chuyên môn và tính cách cá nhân.

Dự báo vùng ảnh hưởng của áp thấp gần Biển Đông

Khánh Minh |

Ngày 7.10, áp thấp gần Biển Đông được dự báo di chuyển theo hướng tây, ảnh hưởng đến nhiều khu vực.

Đồng đội cũ kể về "Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai" Hồng Sơn


CEO Triệu Quang Hà chia sẻ, đồng đội cũ của mình là Nguyễn Hồng Sơn đã thay đổi hoàn toàn khi tham dự show "Anh trai vượt ngàn chông gai".

Bình Định yêu cầu đảm bảo chất lượng dự án đường trọng điểm

Hoài Phương |

Đối với dự án giao thông trọng điểm quốc gia và của tỉnh, Chủ tịch tỉnh Bình Định yêu cầu phải đảm bảo chất lượng công trình, nhất là khi thi công vào mùa mưa.

Lao Dong Newspaper gives gifts to students in flooded areas of Yen Bai

Trần Bùi |

On September 28, the Golden Heart Fund coordinated with a group of Hanoi students to give gifts to a school in the flooded area of ​​Yen Bai.

Bringing Mid-Autumn Festival of love to students in flooded areas of Yen Bai

Bảo Nguyên |

On September 17, the Golden Heart Social Charity Fund coordinated to organize the Mid-Autumn Festival for students in the flooded areas of Yen Bai.

Presenting gifts worth 60 million VND to support people affected by storms and floods

Chí Long |

On September 12, the Golden Heart Social Charity Fund received products worth a total of 60 million VND from the Vietnam Chemical Industry Trade Union and the Vietnam Chemical Group to support people affected by storms and floods.