Global supply chain security alert from Lebanon explosion

Thanh Hà |

A series of explosions of pagers and other communications devices in Lebanon is a global warning about supply chain security.

Thousands of pagers and other communications devices exploded in Lebanon this week, marking a new escalation in the use of supply chains against rivals, putting new urgency on global leaders to reduce their dependence on technology from rivals, according to Bloomberg.

Lebanese officials believe communications equipment was rigged with explosives in a sophisticated attack believed to have been carried out by Israel on Hezbollah's supply chain, which runs from Taiwan to Hungary.

While booby-trapped devices have been used in espionage for years, the scale and violence of the attacks in Lebanon that killed at least 37 people and injured some 2,300 others has left officials deeply concerned.

Officials worry that globalized supply chains that help produce cheap goods and fuel global growth could become weapons in the hands of foreign rivals.

“When you depend on other countries for critical inputs or technology, you give them a back door into everything you do. This is an example of how you can weaponize that dependence,” said Melanie Hart, a former senior official at the US Department of Foreign Affairs and now at the Atlantic Council.

A former senior US intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, described the explosions in Lebanon as just the latest and most shocking of a number of supply chain attacks taking place around the world today. Such attacks typically take years to prepare and tend to be narrowly targeted to minimize collateral damage.

Interdiction operations, in which goods are intercepted and tampered with before they reach the final consignee, are rampant, the former official said.

“Supply chain hacking is a pretty basic tool for intelligence agencies. In the past few years, we’ve seen it used primarily for information gathering, but as we’ve seen recently, it can also be used for targeted killing,” said Holden Triplett, a former FBI official.

Bloomberg points out that even using old, outdated technology is no guarantee of security, as the explosions of communication devices in Lebanon this week showed. Hezbollah uses pagers — technology from the 1990s — to avoid US and Israeli surveillance.

“Hezbollah decided to go low-tech to reduce its vulnerability, but clearly you can’t go so low-tech that you can’t escape vulnerabilities. The bottom line is that in a world with overextended supply chains, vulnerabilities are part of the system. Every organization has to buy. Vulnerabilities are a fact of life,” said Brad Glosserman, senior adviser at the research group Pacific Forum.

Thanh Hà

Việt Nam lên tiếng về vụ nổ thiết bị liên lạc ở Lebanon

Thanh Hà |

Việt Nam quan tâm theo dõi và quan ngại sâu sắc trước những diễn biến gần đây tại khu vực Trung Đông, trong đó có vụ nổ thiết bị liên lạc ở Lebanon.

Israel lên tiếng sau vụ nổ máy nhắn tin​ ở Lebanon

Bùi Đức |

Sau vụ nổ liên hoàn những thiết bị điện tử gây ra nhiều thương vong ở Lebanon, Israel tuyên bố sẽ bước sang một giai đoạn mới của cuộc chiến ở Trung Đông.

Hé lộ nơi sản xuất máy nhắn tin phát nổ ở Lebanon

Thanh Hà |

Máy nhắn tin của các thành viên Hezbollah bị phát nổ ở Lebanon và Syria do một công ty tại Budapest, Hungary sản xuất.

Đề xuất một mức ưu đãi thuế thu nhập chung cho báo chí


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Khuyến cáo khẩn cấp công dân Việt Nam rời khỏi Lebanon

Thanh Hà |

Công dân Việt Nam đang sinh sống và làm việc tại Lebanon được khuyến cáo rời khỏi quốc gia này khi các chuyến bay thương mại vẫn còn hoạt động.

Kiểm toán cung cấp hàng trăm tài liệu cho cơ quan điều tra


Tổng Kiểm toán Nhà nước Ngô Văn Tuấn cho biết, năm 2023, đã cung cấp hơn 800 tài liệu cho Ủy ban kiểm tra và cơ quan điều tra.

Người dân Thanh Hóa đổ xô ra cầu Hàm Rồng xem nước lũ


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Cập nhật các tỉnh công bố tình trạng khẩn cấp về thiên tai

Nhóm PV |

Sau ảnh hưởng nặng nề của mưa lũ do bão số 3, số 4, Thanh Hóa là tỉnh thành tiếp tục phải công bố tình trạng khẩn cấp về thiên tai.

Vietnam speaks out about communications equipment explosion in Lebanon

Thanh Hà |

Vietnam is closely following and is deeply concerned about recent developments in the Middle East, including the explosion of communications equipment in Lebanon.

Israel speaks out after pager explosion in Lebanon

Bùi Đức |

After a series of explosions of electronic devices caused many casualties in Lebanon, Israel announced that it would enter a new phase of the war in the Middle East.

Revealing the place where the pager exploded in Lebanon

Thanh Hà |

The pagers used by Hezbollah members that exploded in Lebanon and Syria were made by a company in Budapest, Hungary.