Ukraine's risky gamble when attacking deep into Russia

Khánh Minh |

Ukraine 's attack deep into Russia could spell disaster for Kiev, a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations warns.

Ukraine cannot defeat Russia by “conventional means” and is using increasingly risky strategies - Mr. Gustav Gressel, former Austrian Defense Ministry official, now senior policy fellow at the Foreign Affairs Council European Foreign Relations System, said.

Ukraine's attack on Kursk province in Russia is a risky gamble that could backfire, leading to major failure and loss of Western support - Gustav Gressel told German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Kiev's forces launched a major cross-border operation in Russia's Kursk province on August 6. Clashes in border areas take place continuously. The Kremlin called Kiev's move a widespread provocation and accused the Ukrainian army of indiscriminately attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has repeatedly stated that attempts to penetrate deeper into the Ukrainian region have been blocked. However, according to the ministry, Kiev troops are still present in several border settlements in Kursk province, where intense fighting is continuing.

Russian troops destroy Ukrainian T-80 tanks with kamikaze drones in Kursk province. Source: Russian Ministry of Defense

Mr. Gressel described Kiev's actions as a risky strategy. "If Ukraine wants to hold this area for many months, it will lead to military costs that are difficult to maintain," Mr. Gressel, who previously served in the Austrian army, explained.

Expanding the front line "first and foremost is in Russia's interest," he said. Ukraine's incursion does not force Russia to divert its forces from the major offensive underway in Donbass , where troops Russia continued to win many victories. According to Mr. Gressel, Ukrainian units in this area were "quite tired" and in dire need of reinforcement.

Moscow "has more weapons, ammunition and personnel that can be deployed to a longer front line. Ukraine's unexpected advantage could quickly turn into a disadvantage" - Mr. Gressel, who also held the position at the Department of Security Policy of the Austrian Ministry of Defense, said.

Mr. Gressel warned that the worst scenario for Ukraine would be defeat in both Kursk and Donbass.

According to Mr. Gressel, Ukraine hopes its campaign on Russian soil will raise the morale of both Ukrainian soldiers and people, and he believes that they will not give up this campaign even in the face of military superiority. of Russia. At that time, Russia will first stop and then gradually deplete the Ukrainian forces.

Expert Gressel said "Ukraine can be considered reckless and unreliable", adding that Kiev's forces in Donbass "will also be exhausted", leading to "huge territorial losses in there".

This expert warned that countries supporting Ukraine in the West such as Germany and the United States are also likely to reduce support in these cases or even cut support completely.

Khánh Minh

Nước đồng minh của Nga điều xe tăng đến biên giới Ukraina

Khánh Minh |

Belarus - đồng minh chính của Nga trong khu vực - cáo buộc Ukraina vi phạm không phận nước này.

Hiểm họa với EU khi Ukraina tấn công tỉnh Kursk ở Nga

Ngọc Vân |

Cuộc tấn công của Ukraina vào tỉnh Kursk ở Nga đe dọa đến nguồn cung cấp khí đốt của EU.

Ukraina tấn công Nga khiến quốc gia EU chịu hậu quả

Ngọc Vân |

Cuộc tấn công của Ukraina vào tỉnh Kursk ở Nga đã làm gián đoạn dòng khí đốt đến Slovakia.

Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Hòa Bình nhận thêm nhiệm vụ


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Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

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