Proposing China to reduce flood discharge to downstream Vietnam

Khánh Minh |

Vietnam has asked China to minimize upstream flood discharge to minimize flood damage in Vietnam.

On September 10, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that in the face of natural disasters and serious storms and floods occurring in some northern provinces and cities, implementing the direction of the Government leaders, on September 9, 2024, the leaders of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs discussed with the Charge d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi to request China to closely coordinate in flood prevention and overcoming the consequences caused by Typhoon Yagi .

At the same time, representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy in China and representatives of the Vietnamese Consulate General in Kunming urgently worked with representatives of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Foreign Affairs of Yunnan Province (China) to request support measures to minimize the risk of flooding in the Red River basin.

Vietnamese representative agencies in China have also sent diplomatic notes requesting China to strictly control the amount of water flowing from the upper reaches of the Red River to the lower reaches, coordinate with competent authorities to reduce or close the discharge gates at upstream hydroelectric dams, and promptly notify specific information on the time, duration, and volume of flood discharge.

According to updated information from Vietnamese representative agencies in China, on the morning of September 10, 2024, the Chinese side said that for the time being, the two hydropower plants in the upper reaches of the Red River will not start releasing floodwaters, nor will there be any plans to release floodwaters; the hydropower plants will stop operating to prevent floods and store water. In order to effectively coordinate with the Vietnamese side, the Chinese side is coordinating activities with relevant ministries and branches.

Implementing the direction of the Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the coming time, Vietnamese representative agencies in China will continue to work closely with local authorities to promptly and regularly update information on the flood situation in localities in China that affect localities in Vietnam; coordinate and exchange regularly with local authorities to promote measures to minimize the amount of upstream water from China flowing to downstream localities in Vietnam, thereby minimizing damage caused by floods in the river basins in the Northern region.

On September 9, 2024, the Chinese side informed the Vietnamese representative agencies in China about three large ships (unknown nationality and registration number) whose anchor ropes broke and they were drifting towards Vietnam.

Immediately after receiving the information, the Vietnamese Consulate General in Kunming urgently notified relevant authorities and localities to deploy response measures.

As of September 10, 2024, all three ships have been controlled by both sides to avoid causing damage to traffic works.

Khánh Minh

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Ngọc Vân |

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Bùi Đức |

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