Forecast of new cold air mass in China

Thanh Hà |

A new cold wave hit most areas of China from October 21-23, causing temperatures to continue to drop.

The China National Meteorological Center's new cold air mass bulletin warns that cold air moving from northeastern China to the east will cause strong winds, rain and snowfall, with temperatures expected to drop sharply by 2-8 degrees Celsius, even dropping by more than 10 degrees Celsius in some areas.

On October 20, the China National Meteorological Center issued a blue alert for strong winds in northern and northeastern China as well as coastal areas of Fujian Province from 8:00 a.m. on October 20 to 8:00 a.m. on October 21.

Strong winds due to the influence of the strengthening cold air mass in China are expected to occur in some areas of the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea and the Bashi Channel.

China has a four-tier weather warning system, based on a color code applied to strong winds, with red being the most severe, followed by orange, yellow and blue.

The new cold front will move eastward from October 20 to 22, with many areas in central and eastern China expected to see rain, the China National Meteorological Center's Weather Forecast said. Snowfall is expected in parts of Beijing, Hebei and Shanxi provinces. Snowstorms are forecast to hit parts of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Heilongjiang Province.

The cold air mass will bring rain and snow to central and eastern China from October 20-21, the Centre stressed.

Anh minh hoa Xinhua
A strong cold wave will hit most parts of China from October 21 to 23, with temperatures expected to drop as low as 10 degrees Celsius. Photo: Xinhua

The center's latest weather report said that from 8:00 a.m. on October 19 to 6:00 a.m. on October 20, heavy to very heavy rain occurred in Sichuan, Guizhou, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Fujian provinces. Mianyang and Guangyuan in Sichuan province and Guangzhou in Guangdong province were particularly heavily affected by this rain.

Due to the influence of a strong cold front, at 5:00 a.m. on October 20, many areas in northern China and northern regions along the Yangtze River recorded temperatures that dropped by 6 to 10 degrees Celsius compared to the same time the day before.

In other developments, in Vietnam, around October 22-23, another cold air mass will enter the northern provinces. The intensity of this cold air mass is stronger and will directly affect the weather in the northern provinces. Due to the impact of the increased cold air mass, the northern provinces will have rain and temperatures will drop. The weather will turn cold at night and in the morning. Strong winds in the Gulf of Tonkin can increase to level 6, gusting to level 7-8.

Thanh Hà

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