New hope for the search for missing MH370

Thanh Hà |

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in March 2014 is a decades-long mystery that has yet to be solved.

Daily Mail's latest MH370 news says that science journalist and private pilot Jeff Wise in the US is conducting a new experiment that he considers the key to where the missing plane crashed.

Jeff Wise's Finding MH370 project aims to determine whether the plane actually crashed in the southern Indian Ocean by placing a replica of a piece of MH370 debris at the likely crash site and remotely monitoring the growth of marine life on the debris.

The MH370 Search Project by Jeff Wise - author of the book "The Taking Of MH370" - is based on information found on the most important piece of MH370 debris ever found from the missing plane - the flaperon.

Being the first piece of MH370 to be found, meaning it has spent the least amount of time drifting at sea, suggests it is likely to provide the most useful data for the reverse drift model.

Remarkably, this MH370 debris has barnacles (Lepas anatifera) attached to it. The shells of these creatures contain chemical clues that could provide further evidence of where MH370 crashed.

Mot manh vo may bay duoc tim thay trong cuoc tim kiem MH370 cach day vai nam. Anh:  Cuc An toan Giao thong Australia (ATSB)
A piece of plane debris found during the search for MH370 a few years ago. Photo: Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB)

The development of this goose barnacle species is expected to help determine the exact location of MH370's crash. This is something that Professor Gregory Herbert at the University of South Florida, USA has also studied.

Temperatures recorded in the largest shells of this species could help MH370 investigators narrow down the search area, according to Professor Herbert.

Wise has started a Kickstarter campaign to fund the experiment, the Daily Mail reports.

According to the introduction of the Search for MH370 project on Kickstarter, experts will use a real piece of MH370 debris, install sensors and a telemetry system, then drop the debris near the location where MH370 is believed to have crashed on the 11th anniversary of the plane's disappearance (March 8, 2025).

"The camera will monitor the growth of barnacles on the surface and a radio transmitter will transmit the location of the debris and the temperature of the water. After 15 months, the flap will be found and the barnacle population will be examined," the information on the Search for MH370 Kickstarter project stated.

Mr. Wise believes that the MH370 Search project will lead to one of two outcomes.

In the first scenario: Lepas goose barnacles are found growing throughout the flaps, and reaching small sizes in the southern Indian Ocean. This discovery would support the theory that the MH370 pilot was the perpetrator of a mass murder/suicide.

The second scenario in the MH370 Search project is that researchers will discover Lepas goose barnacles living only on the flaps that are continuously submerged in water and are significantly larger than those found on the MH370 debris in Reunion.

The discovery would strengthen the conclusion that MH370 was hijacked by a third party and the debris was then dumped to throw investigators off course.

Thanh Hà

Viễn cảnh bất định của việc nối lại tìm kiếm MH370

Thanh Hà |

Phí tìm kiếm MH370, nếu tìm thấy, sẽ là 70 triệu USD. Tuy nhiên, hiện tại, Malaysia đang chưa chắc chắn về đề xuất mở lại cuộc tìm kiếm.

Thêm giả thuyết chấn động về MH370

Thanh Hà |

Tin MH370 mới nhất cho biết, sau một xác nhận mới về vị trí chiếc máy bay mất tích, một chuyên gia tìm kiếm nhấn mạnh, MH370 "không bị rơi".

Xác nhận mới về vị trí MH370 mất tích

Thanh Hà |

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Uncertain prospects of resuming search for MH370

Thanh Hà |

The search fee for MH370, if found, would be $70 million. However, Malaysia is currently uncertain about the proposal to reopen the search.

More shocking hypotheses about MH370

Thanh Hà |

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New confirmation of missing MH370 location

Thanh Hà |

The latest MH370 news once again confirms the research of British aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey on determining the location of the MH370 crash.