Uncertain prospects of resuming search for MH370

Thanh Hà |

The search fee for MH370, if found, would be $70 million. However, Malaysia is currently uncertain about the proposal to reopen the search.

AirlineRatings.com's latest MH370 news says that sources in Malaysia have revealed that the Malaysian government cabinet is divided over the proposal to search for MH370 under the "no find no fee principle".

The search for MH370, if found, will cost $70 million. However, many members of the Malaysian cabinet believe that the money should be allocated to other matters or may simply not want to search for the missing Boeing 777-200ER with 239 people on board.

UK-based search firm Ocean Infinity has proposed a new search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane based largely on research by MH370 search expert Richard Godfrey - a British aerospace engineer - based on the groundbreaking work of WSPRnet.

MH370 search expert Godfrey’s groundbreaking work has been reviewed and analyzed by his peers. According to the British expert’s research, the MH370 crash site is located within a 30-km radius, approximately 1,560 km west of Perth, Western Australia.

The area believed to be MH370's crash site in the Atlantic Ocean lies just outside the area of ​​previous MH370 searches and is consistent with Inmarsat satellite data and debris drift analysis by the University of Western Australia.

Chuyen gia tim kiem MH370 Richard Godfrey. Anh: 60 Minutes Australia
MH370 search expert Richard Godfrey. Photo: 60 Minutes Australia

AirlineRatings.com points out that one notable point is that finding MH370 means that the Malaysian Government is likely to face compensation claims because the culprit of this tragedy could be MH370 captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah.

Malaysia owes it to the international aviation industry to search for MH370. If it does not, the International Civil Aviation Organization – the United Nations’ aviation regulator – could sanction the airline and launch its own search.

The disappearance of MH370 on March 8, 2014 is one of the greatest mysteries in world aviation history.

The extensive search for MH370 over the years has yielded no answers. The first phase of the MH370 search lasted 52 days and was conducted primarily from the air, covering 4.5 million square kilometres and involving 334 search flights. No debris from MH370 has been found.

Two subsequent underwater searches for MH370 in the Indian Ocean also failed to find any evidence of the tragedy. The first underwater search, led by Australia, covered 120,000 square kilometres and extended 50 nautical miles through the seventh arc of the Indian Ocean. In January 2017, the governments of Australia, Malaysia and China officially called off the underwater search after scouring about 74,000 square metres of the Indian Ocean floor, in an effort that cost $150 million.

In January 2018, the Malaysian government began another underwater search in partnership with the US company Ocean Infinity. After more than three months, the search for MH370 ended without finding any evidence of the missing plane.

Over the past 10 years, there have been many intriguing theories about the mystery of MH370, along with many claims of locating the plane. However, to this day, the whereabouts of the plane and the fate of the passengers and crew of MH370 remain a mystery.

This year, Malaysia announced its readiness to resume the search for MH370. Officials also revealed that they had invited the US company Ocean Infinity to discuss a new search.

Thanh Hà

Thêm giả thuyết chấn động về MH370

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