More shocking hypotheses about MH370

Thanh Hà |

Latest MH370 news says, after a new confirmation of the location of the missing plane, a search expert stressed, MH370 "did not crash".

The new location of Malaysia Airlines MH370 in the Indian Ocean may be confirmed, reported on September 21.

Accordingly, a new analysis of the final moments of the plane that went missing in 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing shows that British aerospace expert Richard Godfrey and his WSPR project to find MH370 are on the right track.

On the blog, MH370 search expert Godfrey pointed out, "some MH370 analysts argue that the aircraft was near arc number 6 on 8 March 2014 at 00:11:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) and again near arc number 7 at 00:19:21 UTC and 00:19:37 UTC, as shown by Inmarsat satellite data".

The British MH370 search expert also added that all unusual WSPRnet links between 00:10 UTC and 00:30 UTC in the entire area around arc 6 and arc 7 from 7.5 degrees south latitude to 42.5 degrees south latitude were checked using the latest fully automated passive radar system.

Nhieu cuoc tim kiem MH370 da duoc trien khai trong 10 nam qua. Anh: Australian Transport Safety Bureau
Multiple searches for MH370 have been launched over the past 10 years. Photo: Australian Transport Safety Bureau

“MH370 could not have gone further north, as it would have been found in Java. MH370 could not have gone further south, as Boeing’s maximum fuel range is just over 40 degrees south latitude,” Godfrey added.

To put it more simply, MH370 expert Godfrey asserted that most MH370 analysts agree that, based on satellite data, the Malaysia Airlines plane was near arc number 6 at 00:11 UTC and arc number 7 at 00:19 UTC.

Anomalous signals between 00:10 and 00:30 UTC around these arcs in the Indian Ocean were also checked via automated radar.

Therefore, British aerospace expert Richard Godfrey concluded that MH370 could not have fallen further north or south due to fuel and geographical limitations.

Also related to information about MH370, MH370 investigator Ashton Forbes stated: "MH370 did not crash".

Explaining the latest statement about Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 carrying 239 passengers and crew members that disappeared on March 8, 2014, Mr. Ashton Forbes pointed out that the plane has a fixed ELT (Emergency Locator Transponder) device designed to be activated when there is a strong enough collision. When an accident occurs, the ELT device will start transmitting signals continuously for 24 hours after being activated.

"There's no signal. People need to start using common sense. Planes don't crash without leaving behind a large debris field," MH370 investigator Ashton Forbes said.

The mysterious disappearance of flight MH370 is one of the greatest mysteries in world aviation history.

There have been three official searches for MH370, conducted by multiple countries, covering 120,000 square kilometres of the Indian Ocean seabed.

Over the past 10 years, there have been many intriguing theories about the disappearance of MH370, along with many claims of locating the plane. However, to this day, the whereabouts of the plane and the fate of the passengers and crew of MH370 remain a mystery.

This year, Malaysia announced its readiness to resume the search for MH370. Officials also revealed that they had invited the US company Ocean Infinity to discuss a new search.

Thanh Hà

Chủ của MH370 sa lầy trong cuộc khủng hoảng mới

Thanh Hà |

Malaysia Airlines, hãng hàng không sở hữu MH370 - chiếc máy bay mất tích bí ẩn 10 năm trước - đang sa lầy trong một cuộc khủng hoảng mới.

Xác nhận mới về vị trí MH370 mất tích

Thanh Hà |

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Xác định địa điểm hoàn hảo che giấu xác MH370

Thanh Hà |

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New confirmation of missing MH370 location

Thanh Hà |

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