Russia announces BRICS expansion wave

Song Minh |

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a possible new wave of BRICS expansion.

RT reported that on September 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with senior representatives of the BRICS countries at the Konstantinovsky Palace in Saint Petersburg and announced a possible new wave of BRICS expansion. Russia currently holds the rotating presidency of BRICS in 2024.

"We cannot ignore the growing interest in BRICS from many countries. Currently, 34 countries have expressed their desire to join our alliance in one form or another. Therefore, we have initiated active discussions on the modalities of participation for new partner countries."

The meeting was part of a two-day BRICS security summit aimed at discussing the parameters of the future world order.

BRICS currently comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

With the goal of building a multipolar world, the founding members of BRICS have called for a more equitable world order and reform of international organizations such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB).

Türkiye became the latest country to formally apply to join BRICS in early September.

BRICS expansion could bring global benefits and should therefore be "encouraged," IMF spokeswoman Julie Kozack told reporters when asked to comment on Ankara's plans to join BRICS.

Phat ngon vien IMF Julie Kozack. Anh: IMF
IMF spokeswoman Julie Kozack. Photo: IMF

Asked whether the IMF “sees any danger in BRICS,” Kozack replied: “Our view is that improving and expanding international cooperation and strengthening trade and investment relations between groups of countries should be welcomed and encouraged,” especially if it aims to “reduce fragmentation and lower trade and investment costs” among participating countries.

The IMF spokesman also stressed that "the decision to join BRICS is a sovereign decision of each member country".

Ankara has previously asserted its right to establish relations with any country or international organization it deems appropriate, stating that joining BRICS or the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) does not affect its other commitments, including with NATO.

"We do not see BRICS as an alternative to any other structure. We see all these structures and alliances as having their own functions," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, adding that Ankara wants to be a "reliable partner" with all the organizations it participates in.

"As a NATO member, we do not consider interactions with countries in the SCO, BRICS or the European Union (EU) to be a problem. We believe that these relations contribute to world peace," the Turkish leader said.

Bloomberg reported in early September that Türkiye's membership could be considered at the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, in late October. President Erdogan has been invited to attend the meeting.

Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov confirmed that Ankara had formally applied for membership and said BRICS would consider the issue.

Song Minh

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