Russian Iskander missile killed 50 Western soldiers

Khánh Minh |

The Russian Iskander missile attack killed 50 Western mercenaries in Ukraine.

RT reported that on July 23, the Russian Ministry of Defense said a missile attack destroyed the temporary base of Western mercenaries and trainers in Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense shared video showing a missile attack on a temporary deployment center near the city of Kharkov in Ukraine , home to trainers and Western mercenaries.

The Russian Defense Ministry said about 50 foreigners were believed to have been killed in the ballistic missile attack carried out using the Iskander-M system, noting that the facility was located in Dergachi, a town town in the Kharkiv region.

Russia's Iskander missile blew up a Western mercenaries' base in Ukraine. Video: Russian Ministry of Defense

The attack comes amid Russia's repeated warnings that any foreign military personnel operating in Ukraine are considered legitimate targets for Russian attacks and will be relentlessly eliminated.

Last month, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reiterated the threat when France hinted at officially sending troops to Ukraine.

“Any person participating in the training of the Ukrainian army does not have any immunity. It doesn't matter whether they are French or not," spokesman Peskov told reporters at the time.

Earlier this month, Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) declassified a report in which an agent claimed the French military was "concerned about the increasing number of French deaths in the military operation." of Ukraine".

Russian forces said they destroyed another temporary deployment center for foreign fighters in Kharkiv in January, killing dozens of French citizens.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also recently stated that Western military instructors have been “present for a long time” in Ukraine “under the guise of mercenaries ” and emphasized that they are legitimate targets of the armed forces. Russian page.

Khánh Minh

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