Coach of the U20 Vietnam women's volleyball team points out outstanding players


Coach Nguyen Trong Linh of the Vietnam U20 women's volleyball team shared with Lao Dong about potential players.

Reporter: Hello Mr. Nguyen Trong Linh . How do you evaluate the performance of the Vietnamese U20 women's volleyball players at the 2024 U20 Asian Championship?

- Coach Nguyen Trong Linh: In the last tournament, the athletes had a clear maturity and progress through each match. It's been a long time since they competed in a continental tournament, so the first few matches were confusing and difficult.

But deeper into the tournament, the players' rhythm and familiarity have become more precise and stable. Overall, the young players of the U20 Vietnam women's volleyball team have made great efforts to express themselves and contribute to the team's achievements.

In your opinion, who are the faces who performed outstandingly in the recent tournament?

- I must praise all positions as they showed clear progress through each match. As for the key players, striker Dang Thi Hong and second passer Nguyen Van Ha are the ones who lead the team's play.

Another player that needs to be mentioned is young athlete Quynh Huong (born in 2008), who is the main attacker and has played impressively. In the last tournament, Quynh Huong played in a position that was not her forte, which is the passer.

This is a request from the coaching staff to meet the team's playing style as well as counter the opponent's playing style. This player did his job well, participating in blocking the ball, defending and taking first steps in a well-rounded manner.

In addition, some faces have made efforts and have outstanding marks, such as Pham Thuy Linh, Le Thuy Linh, Nhu Anh, Anh Thao...

If compared with players of the same age at the Asian level, in your opinion, what do young Vietnamese players have and what do they need to improve?

- The competitive spirit and battle experience of young Vietnamese athletes are still weak and lacking. This is partly because it has been a long time since we have participated in a tournament at the Asian level.

Right in the first match against U20 Thailand, Vietnam's players were very confused, almost lacking confidence in each technique, leading to a somewhat skewed performance and not playing up to their abilities. children.

But through each match, their bravery has improved significantly. That is something the coaching staff always recognizes and constantly encourages and encourages the players.

Coach Nguyen Trong Linh (3rd row, from right) with the Vietnam U20 women's volleyball team at the 2024 U20 Asian Championship. Photo: VFV
Coach Nguyen Trong Linh (3rd row, from right) with the Vietnam U20 women's volleyball team at the 2024 U20 Asian Championship. Photo: VFV

Thailand is still the leading volleyball country in Southeast Asia and Asia. In your opinion, how long will it take for young Vietnamese women's volleyball to catch up with the development speed of Thai women's volleyball?

- I think it needs investment and a systematic roadmap from the leaders of the Department of Sports and Physical Training and the Vietnam Volleyball Federation so that athletes can approach and compete confidently against young Thai athletes. .

Thai players' physiques are not too different from ours, but what they can do is invest in the grassroots system, also known as school sports. Athletes who are exposed to volleyball from a very early age will gradually have confidence and a feeling of playing very well.

Meanwhile, Vietnamese athletes start practicing relatively late, around 14-15 years old when they start practicing volleyball, so their exposure to the subject will not be much.

Vietnam's U20 women's volleyball team has won tickets to attend the 2025 U21 World Cup. What are the opportunities for Vietnam's youth team in next year's tournament?

- We must realistically acknowledge that participating in a world-level tournament is a historical milestone for Vietnamese volleyball. Because this is the first time Vietnam's youth team has participated in such a large tournament, it is impossible to rush through the stages and must prepare step by step.

I think, letting the players participate in that tournament is an opportunity for Vietnamese volleyball to know where we are lacking, where we are weak and what we need to do to develop.

From there, the leaders of the Department of Sports and Physical Training and the Vietnam Volleyball Federation will provide specific roadmaps and goals to lay the foundation for building solid and methodical volleyball. Only then can Vietnamese volleyball approach the world and develop in the future.

As the coach of the youth team, what did you discuss with the national team coaching staff and what requirements did you have for your students?

- I have a close exchange and connection with the Head Coach of the Vietnam women's volleyball team, Mr. Nguyen Tuan Kiet. I always shape the playing style for young athletes so they can get used to the national team's competition system and playing style.

The U20 players will be the core of the national team in the future. Therefore, if they practice according to a unified schedule from the grassroots level and the youth team, when they join the national team, the players will easily get used to it, adapt immediately and quickly catch up with the playing style.

Quynh Huong (gold) is one of the potential factors. Photo: AVC
Quynh Huong (gold) is one of the potential factors. Photo: AVC


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Người dân Thanh Hóa đổ xô ra cầu Hàm Rồng xem nước lũ


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Vietnamese young women's volleyball needs to compete more internationally


Sports Perspective 172 chats with head coach Nguyen Trong Linh of the Vietnam U20 women's volleyball team.

Bóng chuyền nữ trẻ cần sự đầu tư dài hạn


Đội tuyển bóng chuyền nữ trẻ U20 Việt Nam đã giành suất dự giải vô địch nữ trẻ thế giới U21 năm 2025, do đó kế hoạch chuẩn bị chuyên môn bắt đầu cần xây dựng.