Spontaneous trade hinders the development of wholesale markets.


Currently, Ho Chi Minh City has 3 wholesale markets supplying about 7,000-8,500 tons of food/night for Ho Chi Minh City. However, the wholesale market model is gradually becoming outdated, with many shortcomings in controlling spontaneous sales points around...

Urgently "clean up" spontaneous markets

The situation of spontaneous markets around Ho Chi Minh City wholesale markets is a painful problem that has not been resolved for a long time, and even shows signs of becoming more widespread.

Expressing concern about this situation, Mr. Nguyen Dang Phu - Deputy Director of Binh Dien Market Company (District 8) said that the Nguyen Van Linh - Quan Trong Linh route is experiencing illegal trading , which has not been completely cleared, the goods being traded are of unknown origin, and do not comply with regulations on food hygiene and safety , environmental hygiene, etc.

This situation also occurred at Thu Duc and Hoc Mon wholesale markets. The People's Committees of districts, towns and cities have coordinated with other units to inspect and confiscate many three-wheeled vehicles and rudimentary vehicles as well as penalize many cases of encroachment on the sidewalks around the wholesale markets. However, this situation has recurred to this day.

Assessing the activities of wholesale markets in recent times, Mr. Cao Thanh Binh - Head of the Culture - Social Committee of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Council - said that wholesale markets help solve the problem of small retail markets in the inner city, focusing on one source, ensuring strict control of goods sources for supply to the city. This helps create a food safety belt as well as food and raw materials entering the market to ensure the health of the people.

“However, during the formation and operation process, there are still some typical problems such as spontaneous situations around wholesale markets. At the same time, it will help reduce a lot of force if only focusing on controlling forces at 3 wholesale markets. All points of sale and traditional markets that get goods from wholesale markets will not have to be re-inspected,” said Mr. Cao Thanh Binh.

Faced with the situation of spontaneous trading around the above wholesale markets, in order to ensure food safety management and supervision, the Department of Culture and Society recommends that the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee direct the People's Committees of Thu Duc City, District 8, Binh Chanh District, and Hoc Mon District to have effective solutions to resolve the situation of spontaneous and illegal trading around the wholesale markets. This creates fairness for traders in the market, while helping food safety control at wholesale markets operate more effectively.

The unit also recommended installing no-stopping and no-parking signs and surveillance cameras in areas around the wholesale market and strictly handling violations by three-wheeled vehicles, rudimentary vehicles, homemade vehicles and rickshaws.

New direction for wholesale markets

According to the Department of Industry and Trade of Ho Chi Minh City, currently, 3 wholesale markets are digitally transforming but only at low and medium levels. The markets are modernizing internal management, publicizing general information about the market on the website, and implementing digital transformation of customer relationship management.

Therefore, the Department also recommends that markets focus on investing in facilities, standardizing operating procedures and moving towards digital transformation in the current business model of the 3 wholesale markets. With this digital transformation process, it is easy to check the origin of goods from points of sale whether they are taken from the wholesale markets or not.

Mr. Nguyen Nguyen Phuong - Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade of Ho Chi Minh City - affirmed that if the spontaneous business locations around the wholesale markets can be handled, the Department can quickly implement digital transformation of wholesale market management. This will help the project of digital transformation of wholesale market management and all traditional markets and points of sale in Ho Chi Minh City to be easily implemented.

Previously, the Department of Industry and Trade proposed to develop one more wholesale market according to a modern model, creating connections and promoting the circulation of goods between Ho Chi Minh City and other localities. The location for the construction of the fourth wholesale market has been determined on a land area of ​​about 100 hectares in Tan Hiep commune, Hoc Mon district, Ho Chi Minh City.


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Dù bị yêu cầu di chuyển tài sản, bàn giao đất trong tháng 8.2024 nhưng đến nay chủ đầu tư Dự án Trung tâm Nông nghiệp ứng dụng công nghệ cao tại TP Thái Nguyên vẫn chưa thực hiện.