Abolish the old mechanism to create a truly oil market

Cường Ngô |

According to businesses operating in the petroleum products industry, the current market for petroleum products in Vietnam is an input based on the world market price, but the output is managed by decrees, circulars, and selling prices calculated by a base price formula. This is an inconsistency between the two markets for purchasing and selling in the petroleum products business.

Make Enterprises the Foundation

In an interview with Lao Động, Mr. Văn Tấn Phụng - Chairman of Dong Nai Petroleum Trading Joint Stock Company - stated that the decree on the business of petroleum (currently being solicited for opinions) needs to be built in the direction of approaching the market, making enterprises the foundation, especially retail enterprises, as they are the subjects that suffer many disadvantages in the petroleum business system.

“The petroleum business system, including the stages of importation, distribution, and retail, in which the main enterprise has the task of creating sources and retailing within its own system, while the rest must sell through distribution merchants. Distribution merchants have the task of taking goods from main enterprises, selling to retail enterprises. Retail enterprises, when selling each drop of gasoline to consumers, need to have a discount of at least 1,500 VND/liter, avoiding the situation of selling at a loss, selling below the cost price” - Mr. Phụng said.

The leader of a petroleum distribution enterprise in Hanoi stated that the current situation of the petroleum market in Vietnam is that the input (purchasing) is based on market prices, in which the purchasing price is the Platt price at the Asian-Pacific market, paid in USD, foreign trade, and transportation method according to international standards. However, the output (domestic consumption) is decided by the state through decrees, circulars; the selling price is based on the formula to calculate the base price to determine and manage the maximum retail price.

“That is an inconsistency, therefore, it is necessary to change the mechanism of price management in the direction of the market, modifying the administrative mechanism to a market tool to self-regulate, creating equal competition among petroleum business enterprises” - the leader stated.

“With the new draft, Ministry of Industry and Trade intends to tighten it in the direction of allowing only the distribution unit to purchase from the main enterprise, not from each other” - the leader stated.

The rights and interests of business stages have not been distributed fairly

Mr. Nguyễn Xuân Thắng - Director of Xăng dầu Hải Âu Phát Joint Stock Company - stated that from the conference on building Decrees 83, 95 to 80 on petroleum business, it seems that the content of the decrees has been built based on the interests of petroleum main enterprises. This has led to consequences such as retail enterprises being squeezed for discounts, being occupied with costs, and their interests not being distributed according to the regulations; causing the petroleum market to be chaotic, unfair, and prone to breaking down.

The basic reason is that the rights and interests of the stages (including main, distribution, and retail) have not been distributed fairly and equally; the rights and interests have only been concentrated in one economic sector, which is the main enterprises. Therefore, Mr. Thắng proposed allowing the main merchant to set the wholesale price level one; allowing the distribution merchant to set the wholesale price level two and the retail price; and allowing the petroleum retail enterprise to decide the retail price.

“In the case where the state regulates the retail price, I propose that the domestic business cost and profit of all three stages be 3,000 VND/liter - 5,000 VND/liter, and the state issues a specific ratio of distribution for the three stages, clear, transparent, and through a supplementary circular replacing Circular 103 guiding the method of establishing, using, and managing the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund, or specifying it in the new decree” - Mr. Thắng said.

Proposal to abolish the ceiling price

The draft decree on petroleum business is being solicited for opinions to introduce a new mechanism to manage the selling price of petroleum. Enterprises are allowed to decide the price of petroleum, but not higher than the ceiling price. The ceiling price is calculated based on the principle of total costs, including the cost of creating sources, the business cost, the profit margin, and taxes. Thus, according to this mechanism, the state will announce the component costs, and the enterprise will calculate the ceiling price itself, instead of the state announcing the ceiling price as it is now. However, according to the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), this mechanism only changes the form, not the substance of managing petroleum prices.

Therefore, VCCI proposed that the Ministry of Industry and Trade consider the option of allowing enterprises to decide the selling price (without a ceiling price), accompanied by regulations on transparency and openness of prices (by declaring prices on a common information portal and making them publicly available immediately) to enable consumers to compare prices between gas stations.

Cường Ngô

Giá xăng dầu giảm gần 1.000 đồng/lít

Cường Ngô |

Từ 15h ngày 8.8, Liên Bộ Công Thương - Tài chính thực hiện điều chỉnh giá xăng dầu. Theo đó, giá xăng RON 95 và E5 RON 92 đồng loạt giảm.

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 8.8: Dự báo giảm mạnh 700-800 đồng/lít

Hà Vy |

Giá xăng dầu hôm nay 8.8: Dầu thô WTI đạt 75,38 USD/thùng; dầu Brent 78,39 USD/thùng. Dự báo giá xăng dầu giảm mạnh 700-800 đồng/lít vào chiều nay.

Lốc xoáy cao hàng chục mét trước cửa hàng xăng dầu ở Hà Tĩnh


Một cơn lốc xoáy cuốn bụi thành một cột lốc cao hàng chục mét bất ngờ xuất trước một cửa hàng xăng dầu ở Hà Tĩnh.

Mực nước Thủy điện Hòa Bình ra sao sau mưa lớn?

Minh Nguyễn |

Sau mưa lớn, mực nước ở hồ Thủy điện Hòa Bình tiếp tục dâng cao so với thời điểm đóng cửa xả lũ.

Một học sinh lớp 2 bị xe ôtô cán tử vong trong sân trường


Đắk Lắk - Một phụ huynh lái xe ôtô bán tải đã vô tình cán tử vong một nữ học sinh lớp 2 ngay trong sân trường.

Đắk Nông điều động, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt


Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Đắk Nông vừa quyết định điều động, phân công, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ chủ chốt.

Quán cơm bình dân đông khách nhất Hạ Long bị tẩy chay

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quảng Ninh - Ban Tuyên giáo Thành ủy Hạ Long đã có công văn đề nghị các cơ quan chức năng vào cuộc vụ quán Cơm sạch bà Liên bị dư luận đề nghị tẩy chay.

Thượng Hải hứng bão mạnh nhất 75 năm

Thanh Hà |

Bão Bebinca đổ bộ Thượng Hải (Trung Quốc) sáng 16.9 với cường độ bão cấp 1, sức gió vượt qua cơn bão mạnh nhất tấn công thành phố này năm 1949.

Fuel prices decrease by nearly 1,000 đồng per liter

Cường Ngô |

As of 3:00 PM on August 8, the Ministry of Industry and Trade - Finance will adjust the fuel prices. Accordingly, the prices of RON 95 gasoline and E5 RON 92 gasoline will be reduced simultaneously.

Petrol Price Today, August 8: Forecasted to Decrease by 700-800 Dong per Liter

Hà Vy |

Fuel Price today 8.8: Crude oil WTI reached 75.38 USD/barrel; Brent oil 78.39 USD/barrel. Forecast: Fuel price is expected to decrease by 700-800 VND/liter this afternoon.

A tornado of over a dozen meters in height occurred in front of a gas station in Hà Tĩnh


A sudden tornado swept dust into a column of high tornadoes, dozens of meters high, unexpectedly appearing in front of a gas station in Ha Tinh.