The Signal Corps merged and reorganized two Departments

Vương Trần |

The Ministry of National Defence decided to merge and reorganize the Logistics Department and the Technical Department into the Logistics - Technical Department under the Signal Corps.

On October 14, the Signal Corps held a conference to announce the decision of the Ministry of National Defence to merge and reorganize the Logistics Department and the Technical Department into the Logistics - Technical Department under the Signal Corps.

The conference heard the announcement of Decision No. 4362/QD-BQP dated September 23, 2024 of the Ministry of National Defence on merging and reorganizing the Logistics Department and the Technical Department into the Logistics - Technical Department under the Signal Corps.

Decision No. 2591/QD-TM dated September 24, 2024 of the General Department of the Vietnam People's Army on promulgating the organizational chart and staffing of the Logistics and Engineering Department under the Signal Corps.

Speaking at the conference, Major General Vu Viet Hoang - Commander of the Signal Corps - said: The Signal Corps has developed and proposed the Ministry of National Defence to issue a table of organization and staffing of logistics and technical agencies of brigades, schools and the Service's Logistics and Technical Department. In December 2023, the Service deployed the plan at 5 brigades and 2 schools.

After nearly a year of operation, the logistics and technical agencies of the units under the Corps have stabilized, operated effectively, fulfilled their functions and tasks, and always completed their tasks well.

Affirming that the merger of logistics and technical agencies is a correct policy, marking the maturity and development of the Signal Corps, contributing to building a "refined, compact, strong" Vietnam People's Army, advancing towards modernity, Major General Vu Viet Hoang requested the Party Committee, commanders, officers, employees and soldiers of the Logistics - Technical Department to quickly stabilize the organization and staff; develop and promulgate regulations, stipulating the functions, tasks, powers and working relationships of the Logistics - Technical Department; assign and delegate specific tasks, ensuring inheritance and sustainable development.

Strengthening the Party organization, mass organization, and military council to operate properly and effectively; building the agency and Party Committee of the Logistics and Technical Department to be united, clean, and strong; building a contingent of cadres and Party members with steadfast and firm political qualities.

Timely grasp the thoughts and aspirations, give advice and propose to the Party Committee Standing Committee and the Chief of the Military Service to effectively handle the policy work and the military rear, especially the number of retired and pending officers and employees, officers and employees who are mobilized and assigned to new positions, ensuring solid ideological stability, readiness to receive and complete all assigned tasks well.

Vương Trần

Thành lập thành phố mới, sáp nhập nhiều xã của Quảng Ninh


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Sáp nhập Ban Chỉ huy Quân sự, bổ nhiệm chỉ huy đơn vị mới


Từ ngày 30.9 - 4.10, các cơ quan đã công bố, trao quyết định sáp nhập Ban Chỉ huy Quân sự và điều động, bổ nhiệm nhiều cán bộ, sĩ quan.

Sáp nhập, tổ chức lại 2 Cục thuộc Quân khu 1

Ái Vân |

Dự kiến Cục Hậu cần và Cục Kỹ thuật Quân khu 1 sẽ được sáp nhập, tổ chức lại trong tháng 10.2024.

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Lục Giang |

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Tạ Quang |

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Lũ cuốn trôi nhiều tài sản của người dân ở Lâm Đồng


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Merging and reorganizing 2 Departments under Military Region 1

Ái Vân |

It is expected that the Logistics Department and the Technical Department of Military Region 1 will be merged and reorganized in October 2024.