The Ministry of Home Affairs responded to petitions related to strange and evil religions


Hung Yen province requests to regularly provide documents related to state management of the phenomena of new beliefs, religions, "strange religions", " deviant religions ".

Information from the Ministry of Home Affairs said that Hung Yen province requests to regularly direct, guide, inform about the situation, and provide relevant documents on the formation process, operating methods and management issues. the state against the phenomena of new beliefs and religions, "strange religions", "deviant religions", and activities that take advantage of beliefs and religions;

Organize training classes to foster legal knowledge on beliefs and religions and share experiences and skills in management and handling of belief and religious situations for officials and civil servants working in the faith sector. beliefs and religions at all levels.

Regarding this request, on the Electronic Information Portal, the Ministry of Home Affairs has responded: According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, on November 28, 2019, the Government Committee for Religious Affairs issued Document No. 1400/TGCP-TGK guiding work. state management of beliefs to the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities.

In recent times, when issues have arisen that are not clearly regulated in the Law on Belief and Religion, the Government Committee for Religious Affairs has promptly informed and guided localities such as: The construction of new belief facilities , about ownership of religious establishments,...

The construction of religious facilities is carried out in accordance with the Construction Law, Land Law and guiding documents. According to the Law on Beliefs, religions and private shrines are not recognized as religious establishments.

Religious activities at private shrines are only for families. The management of construction and operation of private shrines is the responsibility of local authorities. It is necessary to promptly prevent the construction of private shrines with the purpose of acting as a community's religious base; Don't let religious activities gather in large numbers, superstitious activities, or profiteering in private temples.

Regarding state management of new religious phenomena, "strange religions", "evil religions", the Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a document to the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities on state management work. towards the activities of "strange and evil religions".

Accordingly, the Ministry of Home Affairs requests the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities to promote information management via the internet and publish publications related to "strange religions" and "evil religions"; Propaganda for social organizations and socio-professional organizations to increase vigilance and selectively receive aid and sponsorship;

Mobilize people not to believe in "evil religions"; guide the development of conventions and conventions that include content to prevent "evil religions"; Strengthen coordination with agencies and organizations in the political system to share information, share experiences and agree on solutions.

In the coming time, the Ministry of Home Affairs will continue to promptly provide information on the phenomena of beliefs, "strange religions", and "deviant religions" that arise, continuing to promote guidance and urge the Departments of Home Affairs of the provinces , the city performs well its functions and tasks in managing religious activities, "strange religions", and "deviant religions".


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Công an Bắc Giang phát đi cảnh giác về hoạt động của các “tà đạo”, “đạo lạ”

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Công an tỉnh Bắc Giang vừa phát đi thông tin cảnh giác với các “tà đạo”, “đạo lạ” xuất hiện, tác động tiêu cực, ảnh hưởng xấu đến nhu cầu tín ngưỡng, tôn giáo chính đáng và hợp pháp của người dân và sự ổn định của xã hội.

Người dân TPHCM thích thú khi tận mắt thấy hàng trăm siêu xe

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TPHCM - Ngày 14.9, Hành trình Gumball 3000 đã diễn ra ở đường Lê Lợi, Quận 1 thu hút hàng ngàn người đến chiêm ngưỡng 120 siêu xe từ nhiều nước trên thế giới.

Ngôi làng quanh năm tô vẽ, tạo tiếng trống dịp Tết Trung thu

Thanh Bình - Khánh Linh |

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Làm từ thiện không trung thực là vi phạm đạo đức, pháp luật


PGS.TS Phạm Ngọc Trung đã có những chia sẻ xung quanh câu chuyện về tình người và vấn đề làm từ thiện sau cơn bão số 3.

Chưa đóng cửa mỏ vàng cũ, đã giao đất để làm mỏ vàng mới


Công ty trây ỳ trả lại đất ở mỏ vàng A Pey A được tỉnh Quảng Trị cho thuê đất để thực hiện dự án mỏ vàng A Vao.

Đình chỉ 2 chủ tịch xã ở Lào Cai do lơ là phòng chống bão lũ

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