Editors' Forum 2024 towards solution journalism


Binh Thuan - At the 2024 Editor-in-Chief Forum, leaders of press agencies and press managers discussed press issues and solutions.

On the afternoon of September 21 in Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan, the Journalists and Public Opinion Newspaper organized the 2024 Editor-in-Chief Forum with the theme "Solution journalism: Directions for traditional journalism".

Cac dai bieu chu tri Dien dan Tong Bien tap nam 2024. Anh: Duy Tuan
Delegates chairing the 2024 Editor-in-Chief Forum with the theme “Solution journalism: A direction for traditional journalism”. Photo: Duy Tuan

The forum was chaired by Mr. Le Quoc Minh - Member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, President of the Vietnam Journalists Association; Mr. Nguyen Hoai Anh - Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Nguyen Duc Loi - former member of the Party Central Committee, former General Director of VNA, Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam Journalists Association; Mr. Phan Xuan Thuy - Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department; Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam - Deputy Minister of Information and Communications.

“Solution journalism: A way forward for traditional journalism”

Speaking at the opening of the forum, Mr. Le Tran Nguyen Huy - Acting Editor-in-Chief of the Journalists and Public Opinion Newspaper said that traditional press is under great competitive pressure from social media.

Ong Le Tran Nguyen Huy - Quyen Tong Bien tap Bao Nha bao va Cong luan phat bieu khai mac dien dan. Anh: Duy Tuan
Mr. Le Tran Nguyen Huy - Acting Editor-in-Chief of the Journalists and Public Opinion Newspaper delivered the opening speech at the forum. Photo: Duy Tuan

To ensure survival, generate revenue and retain readers, traditional press must find new directions. How can press agencies affirm the mainstream information flow, orient and lead public opinion, not only to retain readers but also to strengthen public trust in the press, the Newspaper decided to choose the above topic for the forum.

Ong Nguyen Hoai Anh - Uy vien Du khuyet Ban Chap hanh Trung uong Dang, Bi thu Tinh uy Binh Thuan phat bieu chao mung cac dai bieu ve tham du dien dan. Anh: Duy Tuan
Mr. Nguyen Hoai Anh - Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee, delivered a welcoming speech to the delegates attending the forum. Photo: Duy Tuan

Welcoming delegates to the forum, Mr. Nguyen Hoai Anh - Secretary of Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee said that throughout the development journey, Binh Thuan has always received support, sharing and companionship from the press.

Binh Thuan Province is very excited and highly approves of the Vietnam Journalists Association choosing the theme of the 2024 Editor-in-Chief Forum as "Solution journalism: A direction for traditional journalism".

Solution journalism - Trends and potential

Before entering the discussion session, Mr. Le Quoc Minh, member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, President of the Vietnam Journalists Association presented an overview of constructive journalism and solution journalism.

Ong Le Quoc Minh, Uy vien Trung uong Dang, Tong Bien tap bao Nhan Dan, Pho Truong ban Tuyen giao Trung uong, Chu tich Hoi Nha bao Viet Nam thuyet trinh. Anh: Duy Tuan
Mr. Le Quoc Minh, member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, President of the Vietnam Journalists Association, presented. Photo: Duy Tuan

"A clear direction for the press industry is constructive journalism and solution journalism. Accordingly, when reporting news, press agencies also propose solutions or elaborate explanations so that readers feel empowered and have hope," Mr. Minh emphasized.

Mr. Nguyen Van Ba ​​- Editor-in-Chief of VietNamNet Newspaper presented a paper, clarifying the concept of solution journalism as a journalism method that focuses on reporting on specific solutions that can solve social problems. Different from traditional journalism, solution journalism seeks to explore and analyze feasible, tested solutions. It does not avoid negative aspects but instead requires in-depth analysis of solutions.

“We must change our mindset, focus on positive issues, look at problems constructively, and come up with solutions. At the same time, we must raise multi-dimensional issues, not leaning towards any one issue,” Mr. Ba emphasized.

Mr. Nguyen Anh Vu - Editor-in-Chief of Van Hoa Newspaper believes that in order for journalism to truly be solution journalism, journalists need to have an innovative and positive mindset, strictly follow the working process, and be specialized and different to create truly valuable solution journalism products.

Implementing solution journalism: Which methods and models are effective?

Mr. Le Trong Minh - Editor-in-Chief of Investment Newspaper frankly shared that traditional press itself has press solutions. Press must go in a broader and deeper direction. How to spread positive information. Each editorial office will define itself, and identify what the needs of readers are. How to balance the interests of the newspaper and the interests of society.

Ong Le Quoc Minh, Uy vien Trung uong Dang, Tong Bien tap bao Nhan Dan, Pho Truong ban Tuyen giao Trung uong, Chu tich Hoi Nha bao Viet Nam ket luan tai dien dan. Anh: Duy Tuan
Mr. Le Quoc Minh, member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, President of the Vietnam Journalists Association concluded at the forum. Photo: Duy Tuan

Concluding the forum, Mr. Le Quoc Minh emphasized that the press is facing many changes in technology. In the near future, there will be many other technological threats. The press is facing changes in users, users do not necessarily have to go to the press to get information. When they are overwhelmed with information, they need the mainstream press to provide information. He hopes that press agencies will devote a specialized section, creating fair and multi-dimensional content to see the difference of the press.


Báo chí giải pháp: Hướng đi cho báo chí truyền thống?


Diễn đàn Tổng Biên tập 2024 “Báo chí giải pháp: Hướng đi cho báo chí truyền thống?” sẽ làm rõ vì sao báo chí giải pháp là một xu hướng cùng hướng tới.

Báo chí đang theo xu thế không chỉ phản ánh mà phải cung cấp luận giải và giải pháp

Theo Hồng Sâm/Nhà báo & Công luận |

Báo chí thế giới giờ cũng đi theo xu hướng báo chí xây dựng, báo chí giải pháp, chứ không chạy theo câu khẩu hiệu “ở nơi nào có máu chảy là ở đó có tin” để sản xuất ra những thông tin giật gân như trước”, đó là nhấn mạnh của Nhà báo Lê Quốc Minh - Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng, Tổng Biên tập Báo Nhân Dân, Phó Trưởng Ban Tuyên giáo Trung ương, Chủ tịch Hội Nhà báo Việt Nam trước thềm Diễn đàn Tổng Biên tập 2024 “Báo chí giải pháp: Hướng đi cho báo chí truyền thống?” (diễn ra ngày 21.9 tới tại Bình Thuận).

Báo chí tiên phong trong bảo vệ nền tảng tư tưởng của Đảng

Vương Trần |

Báo chí cách mạng là lực lượng nòng cốt, giữ vai trò tiên phong trên trận địa tư tưởng, văn hóa, thông tin - tuyên truyền.

Người dân mất sinh kế sau vụ vỡ đập bùn thải ở Bắc Kạn

Việt Bắc |

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Tình thế khó khăn của phim Hàn chiếu cuối tuần

An Nhiên |

Năm nay, thành tích của các bộ phim Hàn chiếu cuối tuần trên đài KBS khá ảm đạm, ảnh hưởng không nhỏ đến Giải thưởng phim truyền hình diễn ra vào cuối năm.

Liverpool tạm thời vươn lên dẫn đầu Premier League

Chi Trần |

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Man United bất lực trước cựu thủ môn Henderson, chia điểm Crystal Palace


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Sạt lở, đất đá đổ xuống đèo Bảo Lộc trong đêm tối


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Solution journalism: A way forward for traditional journalism?


The 2024 Editor-in-Chief Forum “Solution journalism: The way forward for traditional journalism?” will clarify why solution journalism is a trend we are all moving towards.

The press is following the trend of not only reflecting but also providing explanations and solutions

Theo Hồng Sâm/Nhà báo & Công luận |

“The world press is now also following the trend of constructive journalism, solution journalism, not following the slogan “where there is blood, there is news” to produce sensational information like before”, emphasized Journalist Le Quoc Minh - Member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of Central Propaganda, Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association before the 2024 Editors' Forum “Solution journalism: The direction for traditional journalism?” (taking place on September 21 in Binh Thuan).

The press is a pioneer in protecting the Party's ideological foundation

Vương Trần |

Revolutionary press is the core force, playing a pioneering role on the battlefield of ideology, culture, information and propaganda.