Korean movies love to tell cross-border romance stories

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Korean movies with cross-border love motifs and the combination of Korean and Japanese actors are a trend.

Recently, many Korean producers have favored exploiting cross-border love stories to attract audiences.

For example, at the beginning of the year, the fantasy romance film "Eye Love You" received many positive reviews for its character development as well as humorous moments arising from the cultural differences between the two main characters.

They are Yoon Tae Oh (Chae Jong Hyeop) - a Korean graduate student in Japan and Yuri (Fumi Nikaido) - a CEO with the ability to read minds through eye contact.

Not only has "Eye Love You" been on Netflix Japan's top 10 list for five consecutive weeks, it has also been on Netflix Korea's top 10 list for four weeks.

Su ket hop cua dien vien Han Quoc - Nhat Ban trong phim “Eye Love You” tung gay sot man anh hoi dau nam. Anh: Nha san xuat
The combination of Korean and Japanese actors in the movie “Eye Love You” caused a fever on the screen earlier this year. Photo: Producer

On September 27, the healing romance film "What Comes After Love" starring a Korean-Japanese duo will be released to the public.

Based on the famous novel of the same name co-written by Korean writer Gong Ji Young and Japanese writer Tsuji Hitonari, "What Comes After Love" tells the story of Choi Hong (Lee Se Young) and Aoki Jungo (Kentaro Sakaguchi) - who accidentally meet again after 5 years of separation.

The film marks the debut on the Korean small screen of famous Japanese actor Sakaguchi - a famous actor with many romantic films such as "No Longer the Female Lead", "10-Year Wish"...

Meanwhile, Han Hyo Joo's film "Romantic Anonymous" with Japanese actor Oguri Shun started filming in March and is expected to air next year.

The film depicts the love story between Han Na (Han Hyo Joo) - a genius chocolate maker and Fujiwara (Oguri Shun) - a famous chocolate shop owner with social anxiety.

The film is directed by Japanese director Sho Tsukikawa, who is famous for the film "Let Me Eat Your Pancreas" (2017).

According to the Korea Herald, the production of films starring Korean and Japanese actors reflects both countries' efforts to reach and attract larger audiences beyond their saturated local markets.

Huong di khai thac cau chuyen tinh yeu xuyen bien gioi khong qua moi voi “mot phim” Han nhung van du suc hut nho su ket hop cua cac dien vien den tu 2 quoc gia. Anh: Nha san xuat
The direction of exploiting cross-border love stories is not too new to Korean movie fans but is still attractive enough thanks to the combination of actors from 2 countries. Photo: Producer

"By collaborating on a global scale, content producers from Japan and Korea are looking to leverage each other's strengths.

Japanese production companies are looking to capitalize on the growing presence of Korean content and the Hallyu wave globally by casting Korean actors in their productions.

Meanwhile, securing manufacturing investment from Japan helps Korean manufacturers expand their production scale because domestic production budgets are limited," the Korean newspaper quoted.

However, according to Sakaguchi - the male lead of "What Comes After Love", currently the cooperation between Japanese and Korean actors is limited to the romance genre, so he hopes that producers can expand to more genres in the future.

"I believe that we should not limit ourselves to just this genre. Starting with the trend of Japan-Korea collaborations in romance series, I hope to see more diverse genres and collaborations in the future."

An Nhiên

Điều thú vị trong phim chữa lành của Lee Se Young

An Nhiên |

“What Comes After Love” (Lee Se Young, Sakaguchi Kentaro đóng) khai thác câu hỏi bất hủ: Điều gì sẽ xảy ra khi những người yêu cũ bất ngờ gặp lại nhau lần nữa.

Phim Hàn chiếu rạp dịp lễ mất dần vị thế

An Nhiên |

Tại Hàn Quốc, cùng với Tết Nguyên đán thì Tết Trung thu là cao điểm tại rạp. Tuy nhiên, năm nay chỉ có duy nhất một phim Hàn mới ra rạp.

Phim Hàn có Kim Jaejoong, Choi Siwon rating chạm đáy dưới 1%

An Nhiên |

Không lên sóng cùng thời điểm, nhưng 3 phim Hàn - “Bad Memory Eraser”, “DNA Lover” và “Cinderella at 2AM” đều có điểm chung là rating chạm mốc dưới 1%.

Phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp qua đời


Cụ bà Đặng Bích Hà - phu nhân Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp, qua đời ngày 17.9, hưởng thọ 96 tuổi.

Cháy nhà trong ngõ nhỏ tại Cầu Giấy, khói cao hàng chục mét


Đám cháy xảy ra vào khoảng 12h trưa 17.9, tại một nhà dân trong ngõ 58 Trần Bình (quận Cầu Giấy, TP Hà Nội).

Dấu hiệu tội phạm trong vụ thất thoát tiền tỉ tại Tiền Giang

Lam Duy |

Cơ quan thanh tra phát hiện dấu hiệu tội phạm trong vụ việc hơn 3,21 tỉ đồng bị chiếm dụng, thất thoát tại huyện Cái Bè, tỉnh Tiền Giang.

Kiên quyết giải phóng mặt bằng thực hiện cao tốc Bắc - Nam


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Giám định nguyên nhân, phân định trách nhiệm vụ sập cầu Phong Châu

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