Adjusting the Law and Ordinance Development Program in 2024


National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man signed and issued Resolution No. 53 of the National Assembly Standing Committee Adjusting the Law and Ordinance Development Program in 2024.

The Standing Committee of the National Assembly resolved to add draft laws and draft resolutions of the National Assembly to the 2024 Law and Ordinance Development Program.

Accordingly, submit to the National Assembly for comments and approval at the 8th Session (October 2024) according to the process at one session and according to the order and procedure of shortening the projects and drafts:

Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Planning, the Law on Investment, the Law on Investment under the public-private partnership method and the Law on Bidding;

Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Securities Law, the Accounting Law, the Independent Audit Law, the State Budget Law, the Law on Management and Use of Public Assets, the Tax Administration Law and the Law on National Reserves;

Resolution of the National Assembly on piloting the handling of evidence and assets during the investigation, prosecution and trial of a number of criminal cases;

Resolution of the National Assembly on the organization of urban government in Hai Phong city.

At the same time, submit to the National Assembly for comments at the 8th Session (October 2024) and approve at the 9th Session (May 2025) the draft Law on Public Investment (amended).

In case the draft Law is prepared with good quality, the discussion process at the National Assembly shows that the contents are clear and reach high consensus, the National Assembly Standing Committee will consider and coordinate with the Government to submit it to the National Assembly for approval at the 8th Session (October 2024) according to the procedure at one session.

The Standing Committee of the National Assembly also assigned the submitting agency, the agency in charge of reviewing, participating in reviewing and the progress of submitting to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for comments on draft laws and draft Resolutions of the National Assembly added to the Law and Ordinance Development Program in 2024.


Công bố Nghị quyết của Thường vụ Quốc hội về công tác cán bộ


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Kiểm soát quyền lực, chống tham nhũng trong xây dựng luật


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Chương trình xây dựng luật tại kỳ họp thứ 7 của Quốc hội rất nặng


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Chương trình xây dựng luật tại kỳ họp thứ 7 của Quốc hội rất nặng


Chủ tịch Quốc hội Vương Đình Huệ cho biết, tại kỳ họp thứ 7, chương trình xây dựng pháp luật rất nặng, Quốc hội dự kiến xem xét thông qua 10 dự án luật, trong đó, 1 dự án luật Chính phủ chưa kịp trình, 1 dự án luật đang xin rút ra xin ý kiến sau.