The North-South high-speed railway needs to use 10,827 hectares of land


The North-South high-speed railway has a land use scale of about 10,827 hectares, increasing the demand for land use for national important projects and works.

On the afternoon of October 10, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the policy of adjusting land use planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.

According to the Government's report, in the period from 2021 to present, to promote socio-economic development after the COVID-19 pandemic, the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, and the Government have had many fiscal and monetary policies to support the socio-economic recovery and development program.

At the same time, promote the implementation of national important projects and works, especially transport and energy infrastructure projects, including many projects outside the list of the Medium-Term Public Investment Plan for the period 2021 - 2025.

Projects include: Capital Ring Road 4 Project, Ho Chi Minh City Ring Road 3 Project; some highway and national highway projects nationwide.

Currently, the Party Central Committee has also approved the investment policy for the high-speed railway project on the North-South axis with a land use scale of about 10,827 hectares (the Government is expected to submit to the National Assembly for consideration and decision on the investment policy at the 8th Session), leading to increased demand for land use for national important infrastructure projects and works.

According to the provisions of the 2024 Land Law and Decree No. 102/2024/ND-CP, the Government will submit to the National Assembly adjustments to the National Land Use Planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050, with the main contents including:

Firstly, adjust 8 land use indicators including agricultural land group (rice land, special-use forest land, protective forest land, production forest land is natural forest); non-agricultural land group (national defense land, security land).

Second, the National Land Use Plan was not submitted to the National Assembly for approval. The calculation and determination of the eight land use indicators in the revised National Land Use Plan this time requires a thorough review and balancing of land use indicators of sectors, fields and localities.

In particular, priority is given to allocating land for national defense and security purposes, stabilizing rice-growing land to ensure national food security, strictly managing forest land, maintaining forest cover to contribute to protecting the ecological environment, responding to climate change, and achieving sustainable development goals.

Examining this content, Chairman of the Economic Committee of the National Assembly Vu Hong Thanh said that the Standing Committee of the Economic Committee found that the Government's proposal to adjust the national land use planning was consistent with the requirements of the National Assembly in Resolution No. 103/2023/QH15, especially in the context that our country is preparing to implement some important national projects in the transport sector (such as the North-South high-speed railway project).

Therefore, the Standing Committee of the Economic Committee agrees with the need to adjust the national land use planning based on the grounds and contents as stated in the Government's Submission.

In addition, the Standing Committee of the Economic Committee proposed to clarify that in case the National Assembly decides to adjust the National Land Use Plan, how many provincial plans, national sectoral plans, or other related plans must be adjusted to ensure consistency and impact of the adjustment.

At the same time, continue to review and clarify the causes, especially subjective causes leading to the proposed adjustment of land use planning indicators to ensure they are close to practical needs.


Mở rộng các đối tượng cần được kiểm toán bắt buộc


Luật Kiểm toán độc lập sửa đổi, bổ sung nhóm quy định mở rộng các đối tượng cần được kiểm toán bắt buộc.

Tránh đội vốn khi triển khai đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam


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Đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam phải tránh các khu dân cư lớn


Yêu cầu đề xuất cơ chế đặc thù, đặc biệt cho dự án đường sắt tốc độ cao Bắc - Nam, Thủ tướng lưu ý hướng tuyến thẳng nhất có thể, tránh các khu dân cư lớn.

HLV Văn Thị Thanh: Chọn Thái Nguyên T&T vì câu nói của bầu Hiển


Trong chương trình Góc nhìn thể thao số 184, huấn luyện viên Văn Thị Thanh chia sẻ về mối duyên với bầu Hiển và đội nữ Thái Nguyên T&T.

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Thành Nhân |

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Dân bức xúc chặn đường, ngăn xe tải ra vào mỏ ở Ninh Bình


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Expanding the subjects subject to mandatory audit


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Avoid capital increase when implementing North-South high-speed railway


The Government Standing Committee requested to limit the total investment exceeding due to subjective factors and avoid capital increase when implementing the North-South high-speed railway.

North-South high-speed railway must avoid large residential areas


Requesting to propose a special mechanism for the North-South high-speed railway project, the Prime Minister noted that the route should be as straight as possible, avoiding large residential areas.