Ủy ban Thường vụ Quốc hội

Very few corruption cases are detected through self-inspection


According to the National Assembly's Judiciary Committee, very few corruption cases are discovered through self-inspection.

Can work day and night to review bills


National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man said it was peak time, and that he could work day and night to review the draft laws correctly and accurately, ensuring the quality of the draft laws.

Appointing Mr. Tran Minh Khuong as Deputy State Auditor General

Thiên Bình |

On the afternoon of September 11, the State Audit Office (SA) held a conference to announce the Resolution of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the appointment of Mr. Tran Minh Khuong as Deputy State Auditor General.

Urgently implement the arrangement of district and commune administrative units.


Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Khac Dinh proposed that agencies and localities carry out the arrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels in the 2023 - 2025 period.

List of job positions of full-time National Assembly deputies


The Standing Committee of the National Assembly has issued job positions for full-time National Assembly deputies working at the Central level and officials under the Committee's management.

3 newly established communes in a district of Nam Dinh complete personnel

Vương Trần |

Nam Dinh - 3 newly established communes in Xuan Truong district after administrative unit arrangement have completed personnel.

Nam Dinh coastal district reduces 10 communes after administrative rearrangement

Vương Trần |

Nam Dinh - After the arrangement, Hai Hau district has 24 commune-level administrative units, including 21 communes and 3 towns (10 communes less than before).

A district in Nam Dinh reduces 4 communes after administrative unit rearrangement

Vương Trần |

Nam Dinh - After the administrative unit arrangement, Vu Ban district has 14 commune-level administrative units, including 13 communes and 1 town (reduced by 4 communes).

Do not avoid sensitive content that is easy to exploit policies

Phạm Đông |

The Chairman of the National Assembly requested delegates to clearly express their views, be objective, and not shy away from sensitive content that is prone to policy profiteering .

Approved resolution on military officer ranks of Army general


The National Assembly Standing Committee passed a Resolution on the highest military rank for officers ' positions and titles being the rank of general of the Ministry of National Defense.

The 8th extraordinary National Assembly session will consider personnel work


The 8th extraordinary session of the 15th National Assembly taking place on August 26 will consider the content of personnel work under its authority.

Many recently implemented laws have had to be amended

Lan Nhi |

National Assembly deputies and voters are very curious about the fact that many laws that have just been implemented have to be amended, and even laws that have not yet been implemented must be amended.

Mr. Ly Rotha holds the position of Vice Chairman of the People's Council of Soc Trang province


The National Assembly Standing Committee has approved Mr. Ly Rotha to hold the position of Vice Chairman of Soc Trang Provincial People's Council , term X, term 2021 - 2026.

Quickly resolve benefits for redundant officials and civil servants

Lan Nhi |

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man proposed that the Ministry of Home Affairs continue to complete the arrangement and settlement of regimes and policies for redundant officials and civil servants.

There are manifestations of group interests in law making

Lan Nhi |

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long answered questions about the content of group interests in lawmaking .