Hanoi leaders commemorate President Ho Chi Minh and heroic martyrs


On the morning of October 9, Hanoi leaders visited President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum and offered incense to commemorate heroic martyrs.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of the Capital (October 10, 1954 - October 10, 2024), the delegation of the Hanoi City Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee led by Politburo member, Secretary of the City Party Committee, Head of the City National Assembly Delegation Bui Thi Minh Hoai visited President Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum and offered incense and commemorated the heroic martyrs at the Monument to Heroic Martyrs on Bac Son Street.

The delegation included members of the Party Central Committee: Standing Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee Nguyen Thi Tuyen; Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the City People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh; along with leaders of the city, departments, branches, mass organizations, localities...

Respectfully commemorating President Ho Chi Minh, the city leaders expressed their infinite gratitude to the Father of the nation, the genius leader, the great teacher of the Vietnamese revolution, the national liberation hero, the outstanding cultural celebrity, the exemplary international communist soldier, and the close friend of peace-loving and progressive peoples around the world.

During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh always had special feelings for the capital Hanoi. He advised: “The whole country looks to our capital. The world looks to our capital. We must all strive to maintain order and security, making our capital a peaceful, beautiful, and healthy capital both physically and spiritually.”

Exactly 70 years ago, on October 10, 1954, with special affection for the people and soldiers of the Capital, President Ho Chi Minh, on behalf of the Party Central Committee and the Government, issued an “Appeal on the occasion of the Capital Liberation Day”. In it, he sent a message: “To the dear people of Hanoi! For the past eight years, the Government had to leave the Capital to fight for national salvation. Although far apart, the Government’s heart has always been close to the people. Today, thanks to the solidarity of our people, our army’s heroic fight, peace has been won, and the Government has returned to the Capital with the people. Thousands of miles away, one home, the joy is indescribable!”

Inscribing Uncle Ho's sentiments and teachings for the Capital, the city's leaders vow to continue to uphold the spirit of solidarity, well implement the working theme of the year "Discipline, responsibility, action, creativity, development", promote the exemplary spirit, successfully implement the Resolution of the 17th Congress of the City Party Committee, Resolution No. 15-NQ/TU dated May 5, 2022 of the Politburo on "Orientations and tasks for the development of Hanoi Capital to 2030, with a vision to 2045"; determined to build the Capital increasingly "civilized - civilized - modern", striving to take the lead, with the country entering a new era - the era of national advancement.

Lanh dao TP Ha Noi tuong niem cac Anh hung liet si. Anh: Nhat Nam
Hanoi leaders commemorate heroic martyrs. Photo: Nhat Nam

Next, the delegation offered incense to commemorate the heroic martyrs at the Heroic Martyrs Monument on Bac Son Street. The delegation respectfully paid tribute to the heroic martyrs - the outstanding sons of the nation who did not spare their blood and bones, bravely fought and sacrificed for the cause of national liberation, for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland, for the happiness of the people.


Nguyên Bí thư Hà Nội: Lúc nào cũng cảm thấy "không làm hết việc"


Ông Phạm Quang Nghị - nguyên Ủy viên Bộ Chính trị, nguyên Bí thư Thành ủy Hà Nội - được vinh danh "Công dân Thủ đô ưu tú" năm 2024.

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Vương Trần |

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