Former Secretary of Hanoi: Always feel "unable to get all the work done"


Mr. Pham Quang Nghi - former member of the Politburo, former Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee - was honored as "Outstanding Citizen of the Capital" in 2024.

On the morning of October 8, Hanoi City held a conference to commend advanced models, examples of "Good people, good deeds" and honor Outstanding Capital Citizens in 2024. Former Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Pham Quang Nghi was one of 10 individuals to receive the title of Outstanding Capital Citizen.

Sharing with the press, Mr. Nghi said that when he was nominated for the title of Outstanding Capital Citizen, he recalled his two terms as Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee. During that time, Mr. Nghi said he always felt that he "could not finish all the work" of the Capital.

"I always feel that I cannot do all the work of the capital. The demands of the people are very great, very urgent. Everything is important, everything is necessary, especially on the occasion of the 1,000th anniversary of Thang Long - Hanoi and the time when Hanoi expanded its administrative boundaries in 2008. The work is a lot, complicated, difficult, and requires urgent work, so I am very worried about the responsibility assigned to me," said Mr. Nghi.

The former Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee said that every time he completed a task for the capital, he felt very happy. However, afterwards, he felt that "there were many other things to do behind him", "the work I did was nothing".

Mr. Nghi described Hanoi's work as numerous as the Red River, flowing day and night, impossible to finish. Therefore, we have to choose what to do first, what to do later, what needs to be done first, what needs to be done later.

Awarded the title of Outstanding Citizen of the Capital, Mr. Nghi said this was an honor but also a task assigned to him by the city.

"If I receive the title, I must be worthy of it. So I will continue to work, contribute, and serve the capital. Even though I am retired now, I will try to do whatever I can," said Mr. Nghi.

He believes that the development speed of the capital throughout history is very typical, worthy of the tradition of the nation and country. Therefore, in the future, with better conditions, better resources and greater demands from the people, Hanoi will certainly do well.


Cố gắng từng ngày để xứng đáng với danh hiệu "Công dân Thủ đô ưu tú"


Sáng nay, nhiều điển hình tiên tiến, người tốt việc tốt và Công dân Thủ đô ưu tú năm 2024 đã được trao tặng danh hiệu và vinh danh.

Hà Nội tuyên dương 70 điển hình tiên tiến


Sáng 8.10, Thành ủy, HĐND, UBND, Ủy ban Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam TP Hà Nội tổ chức biểu dương điển hình tiên tiến; vinh danh “Công dân Thủ đô ưu tú” năm 2024.

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Minh Hạnh |

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Cường Ngô |

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Khương Duy |

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Vụ từ trượt thành đỗ thủ khoa: Tìm trường tư cho học sinh


Thanh Hóa - Liên quan đến sự việc một học sinh từ trượt thành đỗ thủ khoa do nhập nhầm điểm, ngành chức năng đang hỗ trợ tìm trường tư cho em học sinh này.

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Ngọc Vân |

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Try every day to be worthy of the title "Outstanding Citizen of the Capital"


This morning, many advanced models, good people, good deeds and Outstanding Capital Citizens of 2024 were awarded titles and honors.

Hanoi honors 70 advanced models


On the morning of October 8, the Hanoi Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee held a ceremony to commend advanced models and honor "Outstanding Capital Citizens" in 2024.