Revealing large assets of unknown origin of many officials

Lan Nhi |

When handling corruption cases, in many cases, after police searches, officials discover large amounts of undeclared assets of unknown origin.

On September 6, the National Assembly's Judiciary Committee held its 14th plenary session to give opinions and review the 2024 anti-corruption work report.

Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Judiciary Committee Nguyen Manh Cuong said that the Judiciary Committee's research team assessed that the implementation of anti-corruption measures in 2024 will continue to be implemented synchronously, with attention paid to adjusting the implementation method to promote effectiveness.

According to the research team of the Judiciary Committee, the control of assets and income of people with positions and powers has continued to be strengthened, promptly detecting and strictly handling cases of dishonest declaration of assets and income.

Notably, 16,351 people had their assets and income verified in 2023. Of these, 19 people were found to be dishonest in declaring their assets and income and were disciplined (removed from the candidate list, disciplined by warning, disciplined by dismissal from office, etc.).

Overview of the meeting. Photo: Gia Han

In 2024, 38 leaders and deputy leaders were disciplined for lack of responsibility for corruption (of which 14 were reprimanded, 13 were warned, and 11 were dismissed).

More inspections and checks on the implementation of anti-corruption measures were conducted compared to the same period in 2023.

Through monitoring and field surveys, it also shows that the inspection and examination of the implementation of anti-corruption measures in some localities has not received due attention.

The number of inspections and checks conducted is still low, and violations detected are not many. According to the research team, the results of detecting and handling cases of dishonest declaration of assets and income are not yet commensurate with the actual situation.

Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's Judiciary Committee Nguyen Manh Cuong emphasized that the reality of handling recent corruption cases shows that in many cases, after being searched by police, officials discovered large amounts of undeclared assets of unknown origin.

Through public opinion and voters' feedback, it is clear that the situation of dishonest declaration of assets and income is still common. The compliance with discipline and administrative discipline of officials in some agencies, units and localities is still not strict.

The research team believes that corruption and negativity in some areas are still serious and complicated. Major violations in the fields of land management and use, bidding, banking activities, resource and mineral management, etc. have caused particularly serious consequences, with collusion between corrupt and degenerate officials and businesses and organizations for personal gain. A typical example is the case at Phuc Son Group, Thuan An, etc.

According to the research team, corruption continues to occur within law enforcement agencies, agencies tasked with preventing and combating corruption and negativity. The research team also recommends urgent research and resolution of difficulties and shortcomings in legal regulations on preventing and combating corruption, controlling assets and income of people with positions and powers, etc.

Lan Nhi

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Minh Chuyên |

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Đặng Tình |

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Nguyễn Hùng |

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Kỳ thủ Lê Quang Liêm thắng đương kim vô địch thế giới

tam nguyên |

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Còn bao nhiêu hồ thủy điện mở cửa xả lũ?


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