Immediately after the Steering Committee for the arrangement of commune-level administrative units in Quang Ninh province held its first meeting on March 7 to implement a number of tasks in the coming time, the People's Committee of Quang Ninh province issued a Plan to implement the development of a Project on not organizing district-level and merging commune-level administrative units according to Conclusion No. 127-KL/TW.
In particular, clearly assign tasks, responsibilities and coordination between agencies, units and localities in leadership, direction and organization of the development of the Project on not organizing district-level, merging commune-level administrative units according to Conclusion No. 127-KL/TW, to form grassroots administrative units.
At the same time, specifically identify the work contents, deadlines, completion progress and responsibilities of each agency, unit, locality, level and sector in implementing the Project on not organizing at the district level, merging commune-level administrative units; ensure timeliness, synchronization, unity, quality, efficiency, with the spirit of proactiveness, both working and updating, supplementing the Project according to the guidance, direction and orientation of the Central and the Provincial Steering Committee.
According to the proposed roadmap, Quang Ninh will complete the overall project of not organizing at the district level, merging commune-level administrative units before April 5, 2025 to report to competent authorities according to regulations. Specifically, the review and preparation for the development of the Project on not organizing district-level and merging commune-level administrative units in the province will be completed before March 15. In particular, reviewing and proposing tasks of the two-level local government model (provincial and grassroots) before March 15, 2025; reviewing current status data to serve the development of the Project before March 12, 2025...
On that basis, relevant levels and units will study and develop a Project on not organizing at district level, merging commune-level administrative units and the Department of Home Affairs will preside over the synthesis of the Project on not organizing at district level, merging commune-level administrative units in Quang Ninh province before April 5, 2025.
According to the requirements of Quang Ninh province, the development of the Project on not organizing district-level and merging commune-level administrative units must ensure objectivity, democracy, science, specificity, depth, openness, closely following the direction and guidance of the Central Government and close to the practical situation of the locality. At the same time, it is in accordance with local socio-economic development planning and strategies, historical, traditional, cultural, ethnic, religious, belief, customs, practices, geographical - natural conditions, and community. The project development process needs to carefully assess the impact of the arrangement plan, forecast, identify arising difficulties and problems and develop specific solutions.