70 years of signing the Geneva Agreement (July 21, 1954 - July 21, 2024):

The victory of justice and the filial tradition of the Vietnamese people

Cẩm Hà |

Up to now, after 70 years, the lessons learned from the negotiation process leading to the signing of the Geneva Agreement in 1954 still remain valuable in the cause of building and protecting the Vietnamese Fatherland. current socialism.

Victory of justice

In an article published on the Government Electronic Newspaper, Dr. Dang Kim Oanh - Editor-in-Chief of the Party History Magazine, Institute of Party History, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics - acknowledged that, with the Geneva Agreement, the North Vietnam was completely liberated and became a large rear, a solid base of the large front line in South Vietnam. This is a very important condition for our army and people to consolidate their victory, enter the resistance war against the US , save the country, and carry out the task of completely liberating the South and reunifying the country .

After 75 days of negotiations with 31 sessions, along with many bilateral and multilateral meetings and contacts on the sidelines of the conference, in the early morning of July 21, 1954, three agreements ceased hostilities in Vietnam, Laos and Laos. Cambodia was signed one after another. Also on July 21, 1954, the Conference held its closing session and adopted the "Final Declaration" on the Agreement to restore peace in Indochina to end hostilities in Indochina countries; Conference participants acknowledged the principles of independence, unity and territorial integrity of Vietnam; At the same time, it stipulated the withdrawal of French troops from Indochina countries. From here, a new situation opened up, forcing France to withdraw its troops to the country, completely ending the French colonial war of invasion in Indochina, opening a period of collapse of old-style colonialism.

The Geneva Agreement affirms the legitimacy of the national liberation struggle and the filial tradition and peace-loving spirit of the Vietnamese people.

Dr. Dang Kim Oanh pointed out that, when assessing the historical significance of the Geneva Agreement to the cause of building socialism in the North, the Standing Committee of the Central Military Party Committee affirmed: "With the Geneva Agreement, although We have not yet completed the liberation of the whole country but have marked an important historical milestone: Defeating the French empire, liberating the North, building the North into a solid rear to prepare conditions for waging a war against Vietnam. America later".

4 valuable lessons learned

When analyzing valuable lessons learned from the Geneva Agreement, Dr. Dang Kim Oanh pointed out that they are lessons about maintaining independence and autonomy, considering national and ethnic interests as both a goal and a cause. the highest principle in foreign affairs, in concession there is principle.

The other big lesson is about principled concessions. The Geneva Conference in 1954 was the first time Vietnam's young diplomacy participated in a complex multilateral negotiation forum, influenced by major countries. During the negotiation process, because the core viewpoint is to maintain independence, autonomy, and always put national and ethnic interests first and foremost, during the negotiation process Vietnam always thoroughly grasps principled concession stance.

Also according to Dr. Dang Kim Oanh, the third lesson is about handling relations with major countries. In fact, the process of negotiating and signing the Agreement had unexpected points and was dominated by and for the benefit of each major country. Therefore, strengthening cooperative relations with major countries is an important content in Vietnam's foreign policy, and at the same time, we must not be vague about the intentions, goals as well as the willingness of major countries to compromise with each other for the benefit of each country.

At the Geneva Conference, through contact activities with the press and talks, we made the public clearly understand our goodwill and the plots and actions of hostile forces forcing us. must accept solutions that are unfavorable to themselves. These activities have turned the righteousness of the Vietnamese people's fight into strength, actively supporting the struggle at the negotiating table.

Dr. Dang Kim Oanh commented that with valuable experience gained through diplomatic conferences, including the success of the Geneva Conference, Vietnamese diplomacy has matured and increasingly achieved brilliant achievements. By 2024, Vietnam has established comprehensive strategic partnerships or strategic partnerships with all 5 countries that are permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and expanded economic and trade relations with 230 countries. contries and territories. Vietnam has been performing well in its role as a friend and reliable partner of the international community; has many initiatives, proposals and actively and effectively participates in activities of ASEAN, the United Nations and many other international organizations.

Cẩm Hà

Vận dụng sáng tạo bài học Hiệp định Geneva cho ngoại giao “cây tre Việt Nam”

Thanh Hà |

Ngày 19.7, tại Hà Nội, Bộ Ngoại giao phối hợp với Bộ Quốc phòng và Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam tổ chức Hội thảo Khoa học với chủ đề “70 năm Hiệp định Geneva về đình chỉ chiến sự ở Việt Nam” (21.7.1954 - 21.7.2024).

Sập giàn giáo thi công hầm chui cao tốc Tuyên Quang-Hà Giang

Lam Thanh |

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Lô đất trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở Hà Nội bị bỏ cọc


Dù đã hết thời gian nộp tiền nhưng đến nay lô đất có giá trúng đấu giá hơn 100 triệu đồng/m2 ở huyện Thanh Oai (Hà Nội) vẫn chưa đóng tiền.

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Nhóm PV |

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Song Minh |

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Cho thôi việc Bí thư huyện Vĩnh Cửu theo nguyện vọng


Ông Nguyễn Văn Thuộc - Bí thư Huyện ủy Vĩnh Cửu được Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy Đồng Nai chấp thuận cho thôi việc theo nguyện vọng.

Doanh nghiệp gồng mình hồi phục sau bão số 3

Anh Tuấn |

Sau khi bão số 3 (Yagi) đi qua, nỗ lực phục hồi sản xuất - kinh doanh là công việc được nhiều doanh nghiệp ưu tiên thực hiện.

Tinh giản biên chế 82.295 công chức, viên chức


Theo Thứ trưởng Bộ Nội vụ Trương Hải Long, từ năm 2016 đến năm 2023, đã tinh giản biên chế 82.295 người.

Vận dụng sáng tạo bài học Hiệp định Geneva cho ngoại giao “cây tre Việt Nam”

Thanh Hà |

Ngày 19.7, tại Hà Nội, Bộ Ngoại giao phối hợp với Bộ Quốc phòng và Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam tổ chức Hội thảo Khoa học với chủ đề “70 năm Hiệp định Geneva về đình chỉ chiến sự ở Việt Nam” (21.7.1954 - 21.7.2024).